Hi everyone
I've just finished putting together an article that attempts to articulate the frustrations faced by those like me in the "apostate" community who are increasingly frustrated by the Watchtower's use of dirty tricks in its fight against them.
Ordinary Witnesses are unaware that the Watchtower is not fighting apostates on a level playing field. I highlight three key areas in which this is so...
1. The huge disparity in how information is presented (i.e. "only read what we tell you to read")
2. The Watchtower's use of mud-slinging and name-calling tactics to disparage its opponents and induce fear
3. The Watchtower's willingness to hide and conceal information from its own adherents
I tread some old ground in my article, but I'm hoping that approaching the issue from a slightly different perspective will help thinking Witnesses to put the pieces together.