LOL Your manual will only need one page that reads:"It Didn't Work".
Anyone here been Dfd for 'apostacy'?
by Julia Orwell 75 Replies latest jw experiences
A JW elder told me: "No member can be disfellowshipped scripturally for anything if they are repentent."
I asked him why many ex-JW's claim they were disfellowshipped otherwise.
He replied, "Oh, they can disfellowship you for anything and try to justify it later. But, non-scriptural DF-ing can be appealed."
The problem then becomes having to deal with vindictive elders who are often under-educated and who have no training in counseling whose fragile egos make them inimical to your well-being.
In my opinion only:
More damage is done by an accused person when they become defensive and emotional. The elders want to goad you into overt rebellious speech and action so they can have their "Aha, I've got you now!" moment of victory.
You need to recognize your human right against self-incrimination. Simply say to any elder's personal questions: "I have a right to not answer an incriminating question, Brother Elder."
We GIVE THEM POWER when we take them seriously.
We REDUCE THEIR POWER when we are smart enough to not play their game.
Their game: Goad you into revealing your sin/crime/rebellion
Your game: Refuse to answer incriminating questions (non-defensively). A simple, "I'm afraid you are intruding on my personal life without my permission Elder, I've done nothing to feel guilty about and therefore do not need your counsel."
There is a fine line.
Your privacy and their imagined right/power to intrude.
"Where is your evidence and where are your witnesses? Because without that I don't need to sit in on this committee meeting."
The Witch-hunt is a trap. You must disconnect from all efforts to particpate. Respectfully and with confidence and dignity.
Example: "Before I step in there and talk to the elders I have one question for you. Who have I offended? Where is my accuser. Is it you? Is it the elders in the Library? If not--this conversation is over."
Scripturally, the offended person approaches you---not the elders!
I told 2 elders that the Governing Body is apostate and that I never would have anything to do with them again.
I suppose that was why 3 days later they announced from the platform that I had DA'd.
Oh yeah, the bethel heavy did say that I was an apostate after I told them the truth about the Governing Body.
The elders that met with me said the charges were "Speaking Against The Organization". I had 5 elders on my first committe meeting, the whole think was a kangaroo court, they disfelloshipped me I appealed and then they had 3 more elders on the special committe, with a total of 8 elders sitting in on that meeting.
I think they broke all the rules on these two trials, and about 1 months latter they announced my DF, and the elder that announced my DF'n yelled or almost screamed: "D--- ---- has been disfellowshipped!" you could tell by the loudness and harshness in his announcement that he was under lots of stress waiting for the ok from brooklyn to announce my df'n. I just stood up and smiled at everyone.
When I went back to my home state over 3,000 miles away a couple of years after this event I heard that they even announce my DF their in congregations I had not attended for over 10 years.
Here is a copy of my appeal letter:
nancy drew
Whenever you say anything against the governing body or express your unhappiness with the execution of billions you are an apostate and they won't love you anymore
Julia Orwell: I had no idea it was so common. I reckon if I get called in by the elders I'm gonna do that thing that women can do to get out of just about anything - turn on the water works!
I can get outof anything by "turning on the waterworks? Its news to me, I never got out of anything by crying. When I had to go before a JC, I cried up a storm, and it was not fake, I actually was truly repentant, they disfellowshipped me anyway. I am racking my brain trying to think up even one occasion where crying got me anything, I can't think of one time. In my experience it just makes people either uncomfortable or mad. I must be doing it wrong.
@Lied 2 no more - you said:
I'm planning on producing a "manual" for others to use to defend against the JC process
Go for you! A suggestion is to research all the threads on here about this topic, then compose it, and get everyone's feedback on here and then keep improving it. It could potentially benefit hundreds or even thousands that need it.
George Orwell 1984 Part 3 chpt 2
"O'Brien smiled slightly. " you are a flaw in the pattern Winston. You are a stain that must be wiped out"................"It is intolerable to us that an erroneous thought should exist anywhere in the world, however secret and powerless it may be"
Of course fading means not hanging up the Xmas lights too soon...
Yeah, that was one of the issues that brought our status to their attention. Oh well, we enjoyed the lights and the tree.