No, but I was headed in that direction. I ended up turning in my DA letter after briefly talking with them during their kangaroo court.
Anyone here been Dfd for 'apostacy'?
by Julia Orwell 75 Replies latest jw experiences
We GIVE THEM POWER when we take them seriously.
We REDUCE THEIR POWER when we are smart enough to not play their game.
Their game: Goad you into revealing your sin/crime/rebellion
Your game: Refuse to answer incriminating questions (non-defensively). A simple, "I'm afraid you are intruding on my personal life without my permission Elder, I've done nothing to feel guilty about and therefore do not need your counsel."
I was df'd for apostasy. First, I couldn't keep my mouth shut about the UN/NGO scandal, and second I refused to take down the Bible research site I was building on the net. It was actually the second thing that did me in, but I didn't care. I couldn't bring myself to continually swallow their kool-aid anymore.
Julia Orwell
Just got this message from someone who I was pretty close with:
Sorry Julia. It isn't me that has spoken to the elders but your comments especially "embracing christian diversity" is verging on apostasy. You have always acted like you think you are smarter than anyone else (higher learning/philosphy) and that you know better than Jehovah on how things should be (eg chaperones). The council the elders are trying to give you is to readjust your thinking but your comments here show you are not being humble at all. Jesus said there is only one road to life NOT "Christian Diversity. That is Satanic thinking.... I'm sorry my friend, I can no longer tolerate your comments and posts. After you acknowledge this (if you would be so kind) I plan to defriend you. You have to get your thinking in line with the Faithful and Discreet slave and stop looking for flaws in Jehovahs organisation.I sincerely hope you do.
I replied saying I'm sorry she felt that way, and that I didn't expect her to be so intolerant, and my true friends love me for me, not for what I do or don't believe.. This lady doesn't even know whether her dfd son is alive. We are no longer friends.
Not dfd yet, but I must be more discreet on FB or I will be, even though this poster was responding to nothing much...I used the expression Christian diversity in a comment, and said once I thought df-ing was mean.
This lady doesn't even know whether her dfd son is alive.
Not the sort of person that deserves your friendship.
The woman has summed up quite accurately how you feel, so you must have said some things to give that impression. If you want to fade, you cannot say anything on facebook about your religious views, unless it is 100% compliant with the F&D. As much as you want to be open, and we have all been faced with that, there are a lot of people on JWN that say they would have done it differently and gone quietly if they had their time over.
I agree JWfacts, I am a good few years down the line from when I wished to let every JW know how wrong they were, and hence I nearly got mysel DF'd, but I became as "cautious as a serpent" and retained my "inactive" status.
I am glad I did, I now have reasonable, non-religious contact with JW family, which I would not have if DF'd, and I am free to speak with JW's I come in contact with, and to show them I am free and happy.
It annoys me that to some extent I have had to play by their rules, but the end result is the main thing.
i was never DF'd. regrettably.
i had DA'd in the early 70's--and lived a normal life with my born-in wife and our kids.
a few years later i had an affair with a sister in the local cong--she was DF'd for that----but it was announced ( i was told ) at the time --i couldnt be DF'd as i wasnt a j-dub---but they called me an apostate---which i think was worse than merely being DF.
that was in 1981. ive had nothing to do with the cult ever since. lucky me.
I laid the stinkiest fart (silent one) and blamed it on the chairman
ISOT4 - LOL!!!! Now that's chutzpah!
Mouthy - I'm so sorry your DF hit you so hard, but I'm glad you're still with us!
In years past I would have said that practically nobody gets DF for apostasy, but this threat proves otherwise.
I probably should have been 'cause I was spouting heresy at home, but my ex-husband never turned me in. I owe him one.
Dismissing servant
During my time as a JW most people that ware DF'ed got it for some kind of sexual immorality. I think that nowdays it is more commeon that people get DF'ed for apostacy. If the elders can't get them for apostacy, they can also get DF'ed for "brazen conduct". Brazen conduct seems to be almost everything.
OOps I didnt realize I had answered before this .See what happens when you get to be as old as ME