This came out in the April 15, 1992 WT. I will post some references from then through 1997 (the limit of my CD at work)
*** w97 5/15 18-19 Theocratic Administration in the Christian Era ***
Is it wrong to give such weighty responsibilities to the other sheep? No, it follows historical precedent. Some foreign proselytes (alien residents) held high posts in ancient Israel. (2 Samuel 23:37, 39; Jeremiah 38:7-9) After the Babylonian exile, qualified Nethinim (non-Israelite temple servants) were given privileges of temple service that previously belonged only to Levites. (Ezra 8:15-20; Nehemiah 7:60) In addition, Moses, who was seen in the transfiguration vision with Jesus, accepted the fine counsel offered by the Midianite Jethro. Later, he asked Jethros son Hobab to guide them through the wilderness.Exodus 18:5, 17-24; Numbers 10:29.
*** w96 7/1 12 "A House of Prayer for All the Nations" ***
After 70 years a repentant Jewish remnant returned to Jerusalem and were granted the privilege of rebuilding Jehovahs temple. Interestingly, there was a shortage of priests and Levites to serve in this second temple. As a result, Nethinim, who descended from non-Israelite temple slaves, were given greater privileges as ministers of Gods house. However, they never became the equals of the priests and the Levites.Ezra 7:24; 8:17, 20.
*** w96 7/1 21 The Triumph of True Worship Draws Near ***
Do the Holy and its furnishings have any meaning for this great crowd of foreigners? Well, they will never be in the condition pictured by the Holy. They are not born again as spiritual sons of God with heavenly citizenship. Does this make them feel envious or covetous? No. Rather, they rejoice in their privilege of supporting the remnant of the 144,000, and they show deep appreciation for Gods purpose in adopting these spiritual sons, who will share with Christ in uplifting mankind to perfection. Also, the great crowd of foreigners cherish Gods great undeserved kindness in granting them an earthly hope of everlasting life in Paradise. Some of these foreigners, like the Nethinim of old, have been given privileges of oversight in assisting the holy priesthood. (Isaiah 61:5) From among these Jesus appoints "princes in all the earth."Psalm 45:16.
*** w95 5/15 23 Flashes of Light-Great and Small (Part 2) ***
Watchtower of April 15, 1992, announced that selected brothers mainly of the "other sheep" were being assigned to assist the Governing Body committees, corresponding to the Nethinim of Ezras day.John 10:16; Ezra 2:58.
*** w95 7/1 17 "The Israel of God" and the "Great Crowd" ***
12 Eventually, foreigners served in high positions. Uriah the Hittite, Bath-shebas husband, was counted among "the mighty men" of David, as was Zelek the Ammonite. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 39, 41; 2 Samuel 11:3, 4) Ebed-melech, an Ethiopian, served in the palace and had access to the king. (Jeremiah 38:7-9) After Israel returned from exile in Babylon, non-Israelite Nethinim were given increased responsibility in assisting the priests. (Ezra 7:24) Since a number of these faithful foreigners, or alien residents, are viewed as foreshadowing the great crowd today, their situation is of interest to us.
*** w95 7/1 21 Dwellers Together in a Restored "Land" ***
7 In 537 B.C.E., when Israel returned from exile in Babylon, they set about organizing service on the temple site. However, the Levites who returned were not very numerous. Hence, the Nethinimcircumcised alien residents who previously were assistants of the Leviteswere given increased privileges in temple service. They were not, however, equals of the anointed Aaronic priests.Ezra 7:24; 8:15-20; Nehemiah 3:22-26.
*** w93 1/1 6 New Creations Brought Forth! ***
Happily, this great crowd, gathered from some 229 lands, has mushroomed to almost 4,500,000 active Witnesses. Many more are coming, as indicated by the attendance of 11,431,171 at the Memorial of Jesus death on April 17 last year. Of all these millions, only 8,683, who profess to be the remaining ones on earth of the new creation, partook of the Memorial emblems. Those in this small group could never, on their own, have accomplished the vast preaching work of today. The millions who make up the great crowd now work shoulder to shoulder with them in getting the work done. (Zephaniah 3:9) Moreover, well-trained members of the great crowd are now doing administrative and other responsible work alongside the anointed Governing Body of spiritual Israel, just as non-Israelite Nethinim worked with the priests repairing Jerusalems walls.Nehemiah 3:22-26.
*** w92 4/15 13 Jehovah's Provision, the "Given Ones" ***
Return 8
When the call went out for lovers of Jehovah in Babylon to return to the Promised Land, thousands of non-Israelites responded. In the lists provided by Ezra and Nehemiah, we read of the "Nethinim" (meaning, "Given Ones") and "the sons of the servants of Solomon," whose combined number was 392. The accounts mention also more than 7,500 others: men slaves and slave girls, as well as non-Levite "male singers and female singers." (Ezra 2:43-58, 65; Nehemiah 7:46-60, 67) What moved so many non-Israelites to return?
Ezra 1:5 speaks of "everyone whose spirit the true God had roused, to go up and rebuild the house of Jehovah." Yes, Jehovah moved all those who returned. He stimulated their spirit, that is, their impelling mental inclination. Even from the heavens, God could do this by using his holy spirit, his active force. Thus, all who rose "to go up and rebuild the house of Jehovah" were helped "by [Gods] spirit."Zechariah 4:1, 6; Haggai 1:14.
*** w92 4/15 13-14 Jehovah's Provision, the "Given Ones" ***
Parallel 10
Who are foreshadowed by such non-Israelite returnees? Many Christians might reply: The Nethinim correspond to the "other sheep" today. True, but not just the Nethinim; for
returned represent Christians today who are not of spiritual Israel.
The book
World observed: "The remnant of 42,360 Israelites were not the only ones that left Babylon with governor Zerubbabel . . . There were thousands of non-Israelites . . . Besides the Nethinim there were other non-Israelites, the slaves, the professional male and female singers and the descendants of the servants of King Solomon." The book explained: "The Nethinim, the slaves, the singers and the sons of the servants of Solomon, all non-Israelites, left the land of captivity and returned with the Israelite remnant . . . So is it right to think that today people of different nationalities who are not spiritual Israelites would associate themselves with the remnant of spiritual Israel and promote the worship of Jehovah God with them? Yes." Such ones have become modern-day, antitypical Nethinim, singers, and sons of the servants of Solomon.
As in the ancient pattern, God provides his spirit also for these hoping to live forever on earth. True, they are not born again. Each of the 144,000 has the singular experience of being born again as a spiritual son of God and anointed with holy spirit. (John 3:3, 5; Romans 8:16; Ephesians 1:13, 14) Of course, that anointing is a unique manifestation of Gods spirit in behalf of the little flock. But Gods spirit is also needed to carry out his will. Hence, Jesus said: The Father in heaven gives holy spirit to those asking him. (Luke 11:13) Whether the one asking has the heavenly hope or is of the other sheep, Jehovahs spirit is abundantly available to carry out His will.
Gods spirit moved both Israelites and non-Israelites to return to Jerusalem, and it strengthens and helps all of his loyal people today. Whether a Christians God-provided hope is life in heaven or life on earth, he must preach the good news, and holy spirit enables him to be faithful in that. Every one of uswhichever our hopeought to cultivate the fruits of the spirit, which all of us need in full measure.Galatians 5:22-26.
*** w92 4/15 14-16 Jehovah's Provision, the "Given Ones" ***
Service 14
Among the thousands of non-Israelites that the spirit moved to return were two small groups that Gods Word singled outthe Nethinim and the sons of the servants of Solomon. Who were they? What did they do? And what might this mean today?
The Nethinim were a group who had non-Israelite origins and who were privileged to minister with the Levites. Recall the Canaanites from Gibeon who became "gatherers of wood and drawers of water for the assembly and for Jehovahs altar." (Joshua 9:27) Probably some of their descendants were among the Nethinim returning from Babylon, as well as others who had been added as Nethinim during Davids reign and at other times. (Ezra 8:20) What did the Nethinim do? The Levites were given to help the priests, and thereafter the Nethinim were given to help the Levites. Even for circumcised foreigners, this was a privilege.
When the group returned from Babylon, it contained few Levites, compared to the priests or Nethinim and "sons of the servants of Solomon." (Ezra 8:15-20) The
Bible, by Dr. James Hastings, observes: "After a time we find [the Nethinim] so completely established as a sacred official class, that privileges are accorded to them." The scholarly journal
Testamentum notes: "A change occurred. After the Return from Exile, these [foreigners] were no longer regarded as
slaves of the Temple, but as
ministrants in it, enjoying a status similar to that of those other bodies, which officiated in the Temple."See the box "A Changed Status."
Of course, the Nethinim did not become the equals of the priests and the Levites. The latter groups were Israelites, who were chosen by Jehovah himself and not to be supplanted by non-Israelites. Yet, the Biblical indications are that in the face of a reduced number of Levites, the Nethinim were given more to do in Gods service. They were assigned living quarters close to the temple. In Nehemiahs day they worked with priests in repairing walls near the temple. (Nehemiah 3:22-26) And the king of Persia decreed that the Nethinim be exempt from taxes, just as the Levites were exempt because of their temple service. (Ezra 7:24) This indicates how closely these "given ones" (Levites and Nethinim) were then linked in spiritual matters and how the Nethinims assignments increased in accord with the need, though they never were counted as being Levites. When Ezra later collected exiles to return, no Levites were initially among them. So he intensified efforts to collect some. That resulted in 38 Levites and 220 Nethinim returning to serve as "ministers for the house of our God."Ezra 8:15-20.
A second group of non-Israelites singled out were the sons of the servants of Solomon. The Bible gives few details about them. Some were "the sons of Sophereth." Ezra adds a definite article to that name, making it
Hassophe'reth, possibly meaning "the scribe." (Ezra 2:55; Nehemiah 7:57) They thus may have been a staff of scribes or copyists, possibly temple/administrative scribes. Though of foreign extraction, the sons of the servants of Solomon proved their devotion to Jehovah by leaving Babylon and returning to share in restoring His worship.
*** w92 4/15 16-17 Jehovah's Provision, the "Given Ones" ***
20 All the non-Israelites who returned from exile in ancient Babylon parallel the other sheep who now serve with the remnant of spiritual Israel. What, though, of the fact that the Bible singles out the Nethinim and the sons of the servants of Solomon? In the pattern the Nethinim and the sons of the servants of Solomon were given privileges beyond those of other non-Israelite returnees. This could well foreshadow that God today has extended privileges and added duties to some mature and willing other sheep.
The Nethinims added privileges were linked directly to spiritual activities. The sons of the servants of Solomon evidently received administrative responsibilities. Similarly today, Jehovah has blessed his people with "gifts in men" to care for their needs. (Ephesians 4:8, 11, 12) Included in this provision are many hundreds of mature, experienced brothers who share in shepherding the flocks, serving as circuit and district overseers and on Branch Committees at the Watch Tower Societys 98 branches. (Isaiah 61:5) At the world headquarters of the Society, under the direction of "the faithful steward" and its Governing Body, capable men receive training to help in preparing spiritual food supplies. (Luke 12:42) Other longtime dedicated volunteers have been trained to operate Bethel homes and factories and to oversee programs worldwide in constructing new branch facilities and halls for Christian worship. They have excelled in serving as close helpers of the anointed remnant, who constitute part of the royal priesthood.Compare 1 Corinthians 4:17; 14:40; 1 Peter 2:9.