A few weakminded ‘postates have posted pictures on this board of modern women they deemed beautiful. Huh! If these folk were better grounded in the truth, they would know that since Creation female beauty has greatly deteriorated. Lest such “times of ignorance” be prolonged, let us read together a couple paragraphs from “Creation”, penned by J.F. Rutherford, pps. 79, 80.
Many poets and writers of prose have employed all the adjectives known to describe the beauty of women who lived when Greece was at the zenith of its glory and power. If the women of that time were beautiful, then the daughters and granddaughters of Eve were far more beautiful. We must remember that these women were only a short distance from perfection, as far as bodily charm is concerned. In the days of ancient Greece, however, the race had greatly degenerated; and in the present time the degeneration is even greater.It is only by comparison that we can now approximate the natural adornment of the women that lived on earth in the time of Noah. Like their mother Eve, these women were vain. Readily they yielded to the temptations that would gratify the desire of their flesh or the desire of their eyes, or that would appeal to their pride. They craved to be admired and flattered. Voluptuous and sensual, having their minds turned away from God and righteousness, they would readily yield to any influence that promised them exaltation or selfish gratification. That which appealed to these godless women more than anything else were strong men who flattered them and gave them praise, and who gratified their selfish desires.
Women have ever been the most beautiful and most dangerous amongst the creatures of earth. Her beauty and attractiveness allure man, and blind selfish man to higher and nobler things, and induce him to forget God. It was such seductive influence exercised by the charming Eve that led Adam to a criminal’s grave. A good and virtuous woman, wholly devoted to God, is a blessing to a good man, because she knows and keeps her proper place. But he who yields to the influence of selfish and ambitious woman walks in the path that leads to degradation and death. Almost all women of Noah’s time were selfish, sensual, and walked in the way of vanity. Beautiful and graceful of form, they were fair to look upon; yet, filled with pride, they had an excessive desire to be noticed and to be approved by men.