1973 versus 2013 (40 years later)... How much confidence have J-Dubs lost in the Slave's "End-Time" estimations?

by Calebs Airplane 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Back in 1973, when I was just a pre-teen, I remember that meetings in general were chock full of Persecution talks, Great Tribulation talks and Armageddon talks. So much so, that there was a hightened sense of anticipation that the end was really just a few years away. Most J-Dubs really believed, without any doubt, that Freddy's estimation about Armageddon in 1975 was a certainty (give or take a few months... not years). In fact, many sold their homes to pioneer in what they believed to be the few remaining years of this old system. The few Dubs who really didn't believe this, probably had a later year in mind but certainly not any year after 1999. But I remember having my fair share of scary Armageddon nightmares after misbehaving in the school yard.

    Now in 2013, talks in general rarely mention Persecution, the Great Tribulation or even Armageddon (probably not even 1/4 of how often these subjects were covered just 40 years ago). Lately, from what I'm hearing, talks in general have evolved into more generic stuff that other religions talk about as well... morality, family, etc... with the occasional "do-more/give-more" guilt talk whenever the numbers dropped..

    Have the GB 2.0 finally realized that most J-Dubs today are no longer buying their "Armageddon is just around the corner" message anymore?

    Have they finally realized that the Dubs have gotten wiser over the years (thanks to the information highway) and want to hear a different message? It would appear so...

    The next 10 years will prove to be very interesting.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Outstanding question.

    However i disagree with the statement that there is little mention of Armageddon recently. I do think they have "re-phrased" it as "Jehovah's Day" or "The Great Day of God the Almighty" or the "Great Tribulation", etc. But they seem to constantly harp about it being "very, very near/close" in pubs and from the platform. The the need for R&F to preach preach preach to warn warn warn.

    However, as to quesiton of confidence: Most JWs are living in a manner that demonstrates that they have NO CONFIDENCE in the claims of the new F&DS. Only a few younger ones (usually sons/daughters of Elders) pioneering, guys thinking it helps get promoted and gals finding it's the only way to get any recognition and it helps the Dad; then a few devoted retirees pioneering (ya gotta give these folks some credit); and non-working wives of prominent Elders to allow their hubby to get some prestige and hopefully assembly assignments.

    NO ONE is serious about being out there saving lives! Meaning . . . . they don't have any confidence that it's true.

    New babies ? Yep. New homes? Yep. Multiple vacations? Yep. Seldom worked territory? NOPE.

    30 hours now gets you a title in special months.

    30 hours used to be just a good, average publisher. Those are gone. No confidence.

    The token 10 hours (or 30 for special AuxPio months) are spent at least 50% just driving around to RVs that are not-at-home today, just as they were not-at-home yesterday; 20% in Starbucks or McDonalds; leaving at most 30% in some kind of quasi-preaching activity. And IF someone did ask some serious scriptural questions, all they would get is a dumb look from the average JW. They simply do not even know their own JW doctrines, as we know from asking them about the New Lite on the "generation" or the GB/F&DS.

    They used to have the reputation of getting one foot in the door so they could keep preaching to the householder.

    Today they are all just keeping "one foot in the door" just in case The Big A really does come tomorrow.



  • straightshooter

    I heard that just last week at the kh a talk was given about being spiritually awake. It was highlighted that many fall spiritually asleep because of dates being placed on the time of the end, mentioning the Mayan calendar ending. He did not mention that the WTS did the same thing and what harm it caused to ones spirituality.

  • Pickler

    Desirous of change, I haven't been to meetings in a long time, but if that's what they are like, then they have become just like Christendom. When I went it was all urgent! Urgent!

    In a strange way what you are describing sounds a lot more relaxed & social, so maybe more people will just stay in in a half assed way....in this diluted JW?

    i know I could not stand the stress of constantly being exorted to do more, more, more before the end, never feeling good enough, never being ready for Armageddon, the fear that I would be found lacking.

  • NVR2L8

    Calebs A

    I was a teenager in the mid 60's and JWs were convinced that specific events wouldn't happen such as the 1976 Olympic Games or that we would not see year 2000. My parents allowed me to leave High School at 16 years old because a good education was valueless since we would be in the new system in a few years. Some were absolutely conviced that their children wouldn't have time to start school...Today we no longer hear them speak with the same certainty...Now they are not serving for a date...at least that what they claim.

  • Terry

    JW theology is boiling a frog.

    The heat increases slowly. Before you realize it you are cooked!

    The same old thing is said, preached, written, read, taught, prayed and repeated so monotonously it is drained of emotional content.

    Going to meetings is habit and not desire.

    Going door to door is pressure and not choice.

    The rank and file are treading water....dog paddling.....back floating.....biding time........simply trying to not drown.

  • flipper

    CALEBS AIRPLANE- Good thread. I was 14 yrs.old in 1973 and was raised a JW from birth- I can back up and verify what you are saying is definitely true that Circuit Overseers, District, and elders were all getting giddy when giving boisterous talks that the end was coming in 1975. It was just an accepted " fact " and rank & file Witnesses were whipped up into an emotional frenzy at assembly's when speakers would emphasize the importance of " keeping alert " or " keeping on the watch ". The frenzy was SO ridiculous that I remember one psycho C.O. Floyd Kite ( nice guy but he felt he had the pulse and date of Christ's coming in his blood veins ) and he actually stated this visiting our Kingdom Hall in 1974 ," brothers and sisters we don't know if there will be another assembly in this system of things anymore. This may be our last ever assembly in the old world ! If Jehovah wills we will see you next year at an assembly in the New System in Paradise ! So let's not sleep on any longer ! If we've been lingering, or have been slovenly in our service for Jehovah NOW is the time to wake up brothers ! It may be too late if we wait ! "

    So- You get the point, rank & file JW's were being whipped up into an emotional frenzy through fear mongering and use of guilt which as we have learned are ALL mind control cult tactics used by the WT Society and other cults. It may be that after 40 years, some of that fear mongering is starting to fall upon deaf ears with some JW's. One can only hope so. After 9 years of not being with my JW daughters due to this cult - I'd love to see them escape some day soon

  • JakeM2012

    I was 10 in 1973 and remember the clock on the platform at the circuit assembly that was set to 3 1/2 minutes to 12:00 and the brothers loudly exclaiming, "36 more months, 36 more months Brothers until the Great Day of God Almighty". All I can say, is that what was said from the platform was alot more than whatever came out in print. And for all lurking doubters, it is not being exaggerated.

    I hope that people will start to wake up to the fact that JW's religion has a "born on date" and is expired and is really starting to smell. I just can't believe that people will continue eating the same spoiled garbage, the so called "spiritual food" that didn't have a bit of truth to it then and has no chance of fulfillment as so stated now. It's like waiting for Elvis who died in 1977 to come out for an encore. Not going to happen.

    Only comfort I see is that with all the branch closings maybe the old men behind the curtain realize the "end" is imminent,..... for them. Thank God.

  • flipper

    I might add that the main thing the GB pushes now is blind OBEDIENCE to the alleged " faithful slave " - no matter if you understand things or not

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I remember it well too, I was 13 in 1975. We buried a stack of bibles and watchtowers under the floor of the shed, ready to collect in the dark of night drom some forest hideaway. Persecution was all the talk.

    these days its a case of dont mention and after a few years no JW will even remember. With one of the highest revolving door memberships of any religion, that wont take too long.


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