WT Society holds EXTREME Responsibility for 1975 and False Expectations

by flipper 140 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    What good is a fire ranger who repeatedly reports nonexistent smoke?____DING

    That ranger would be fired from his job and told to go get his eyes checked

    Nobody in their " RIGHT MIND " would continue to pat him on the back

    and say " At least he's bein watchful "

    Think of the time , energy and resources wasted

    Great thead flipp as always , But I have to admit

    I'm feelin a bit depressed after readin' it . And that prediction was made was long before

    I got invovled in the group. I should have looked them up after the first visit

    Jus' think how crazy it was for folks to sell their homes , while goin' door to door

    day dreamin' and pickin' out someone elses house they plan to occupy in the new system

    only to be left out in the cold goin' on 40 years and countin'

    I'll tell you, this is one crazy cult

    I am so filled wit' SHAME in how I let them con me

    I honestly THINK I need professional help in dealin' wit' the shame of it all

    and this is NO JOKE UGH !!!!!!!!


  • Finkelstein

    My thought were that they (F Franz and N Knorr) were intent in taking those years off people's

    minds and attention and create something new to focus on and that was the fictitious 1975 ...... it worked

    There is an interesting sociological study of human behavior with the WTS's enormous propagating of 1975.

    People who were mentally involved with the WTS. truly believed whatever the WTS wrote or spoke in public talks, was really coming from god's

    divine guidance and from that they were compelled to act accordingly with this concept of the world coming to its final end.

    What it was was commercially inspired Bullshit wrapped convincingly and presented as religious virtue and truth.

    Obviously some bit the bullet more than others since humans do not have same identical psychological make up, particular in what substantiates and

    creates their belief systems and how they physically react toward those beliefs.

  • wasblind

    How can you not hold them responsible? The WT for JW's is on par with the Bible. Maybe they never specifically said that 1975 was going to be Armageddon, but they sure hinted at it. They used just enough double talk so they could try to weasel out of it. _____Mr. Freeze

    They claim that Bible chronology pinpoints when these events will take place

    " Bible chronology also pinpointed in advance the time when certain important events in the fullfillment of God's purpose would take place."____Reasoning book page 93

    They said this concernin' another failed prophecy in regards to the generation that was alive in 1914

  • OnTheWayOut

    Y'all really should read that book, it's an oldie but a goody. THE ORWELLIAN WORLD OF JEHOVAH's WITNESSES.

    Even if Watchtower has some layer of technically legal deniability about telling members the end was coming and they could run up their debt and quit their jobs, they still smiled down on those that caught the Armageddon Fever and did just that. Some members ran up their debt figuring they would never have to pay it back. Many ignored medical or dental concerns because the end was coming. By 1974 many even sold their homes and figured they could live off the cash until the end arrived, and they spent their days doing an imitation of Chicken Little, telling people the sky was falling soon, very soon.

    1975 is what drew my aunt in, who drew my mother in. I was only 11 in 1975 and was being raised to a mixed marriage with a non-religious father who took us to Christmas and other holiday celebrations, and a mother who was trying to teach us that the end of the world was coming soon. She didn't emphasize to us kids that it must come before 1975 was over, but she was definitely living as if it must.

    When I joined the JW's in 1988, that was ancient history and the WTS had it all figured out now- the end was imminent, just not quite yet. It's easy to look back and say I should have said "Fool me once, shame on me....Fool me twice...." But I think I was convinced that 1975 was a test.

    My parents divorced before 1975 and my dad called my mom on January 1, 1976 to say "I am still here." She didn't find it amusing.

  • flipper

    Thanks for all the responses ! I'll try to catch up and reply to everybody before I go to work this afternoon.

    GOPHER- Thanks for printing all the other quotes concerning 1975 from WT publications, I appreciate it. It certainly shows the WT Society is supremely liable for deceiving JW's and building up their hopes- only to let them down and devastate those hopes. Sounds like you and I were born pre 1975 and were part of the young people being brought up in the organization who were eyewitnesses to this deception. It's amazing when we consider 39 years have passed since 1974.

    DESIGNS- With the presiding overseer counting down the months until 1975 the load of responsibility for deceiving JWs also falls on elders who were spouting off WT Society fantasys as well. Like yourself I too was unable, or not allowed to get a college education because " the end was so close ". Ridiculous. I'm glad that I've been able to stay self employed for 30 years now or I don't know how I would have made it. I learned through time to rely on myself- NOT false WT Society predictions.

    BLINDERS OFF- Evil, manipulative, and creepy . Yep, that about nails the WT Society for sure dead on. I agree.

    DING- Yeah, I agree- the WT Society leaders are pretty messed up and wacked out " fire rangers " for sure ! They no more no when the end is than you, me or anybody else ! Crazy.

    BIGMAC- The brain cells of JWs have been stolen from them by the WT Society. Pretty tragic for sure.

    NEVERAJW- Thanks for the link to the book " Armageddon in 1975 " . Sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out.

    DATA-DOG- You make a really good point that if the WT Society WAS a loving leadership in this rganization they would have cautioned JW's to NOT be irresponsible and to not sell off their belongings. But the fact WT leaders DID NOT do that shows they really didn't have the JW's best interests at heart and really are a criminally, negligent, deceptive, manipulative organization with impure motives of using peoples lives up for selfish gain.

    FINKELSTEIN- I agree with you. WT leaders ARE liars and manipulate JW's by taking advantage of their ignorance by manipulating their false hopes pretending they are realities. I agree that WT leaders are corrupt and criminally negligent. It's disgusting.

    LOIS LANE LOOKING FOR SUPERMAN- Thanks for those interesting experiences of people you knew who made irresponsible decisions based on 1975. Isn't it crazy ? I agree with you the WT Society has NEVER admitted to errors or shown responsibility for it's failed predictions. Usually JW's themselves are blamed for " not understanding ". Truth of the matter is WT leaders don't know their a$$ from a hole in the ground but they don't or can't or won't admit it to rank & file JWs or they'll lose an shred of " credibility " they hold over these people.

    HOSER- Very sad story about the older couple who lost a lot over 1975. I bet there are thousands if not millions of bitter older people alive still who sacrificed everything for this criminal organization controlled by the WT Society. Very sad.

    SMIDDY- Good points you make. I do believe the WT Society took advantage of the climate of fear in the 1960's regarding nuclear threats and used those fears to suck more members into the cult. I remember delivering those tracts and brochures in 1973 and 1974 about religion being doomed and the end of the world. Were we ever THAT duped ? Yes, we were. Fortunately we are not now. Amazing.

    VANGOGH- I feel for you my friend. I lost out on a college education as well due to being raised in a prominent JW family with a hardcore elder dad raising me at the helm. I agree the WT Society IS a wicked organization that uses and abuses it's members and controls them through deception. It's good we are exposing them now though to the younger generation.

    HELLENBACK- Sorry you had such a " tool " for a dad , sounds like he just wanted to save his own skin coming into the organization right before 1975. I'm glad you got out and are free now though.

    PICKLER- It's interesting that even you as a pre-schooler can remember the sense of dread and fear being pushed into JW's minds just before 1975. The fact that rumors started that " apostates " were saying 1975 was the year Armageddon would come is an indicator that false rumors start at the top of the organization and trickle down. How convenient was that in the WT leaders spreading THAT around then they go into denial mode and let JWs run around spreading rumors like wildfire. Then as you stated a lot of Witnesses didn't want to talk about it because it was such an eyesore for the WT organization and it would shake up JW's " worldview " if they ever admitted to themselves the WT Society was wrong. Amazing.

    IRONDORK- Interesting that even YOU at age 8 still remember the fear instilled into people about 1975 and telling your teacher about it. Thats amazing and strange all at the same time. And yet- like you say false rumors were started absolving the WT leaders of any responsibility about 1975 by Witnesses blaming overzealous " brothers and sisters " for selling off their homes and possessions. WT Society is always looking for scapegoats to absolve themselves of responsibility. They are really good at doing that

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    Nice topic Flipper. I used to say "stay alive till 75." I had a

    demo in a circuit assembly 43 years ago, where a couple of us

    acted like we just came thru the Great Tribulation and we had put some

    talcum powder on our bluejeans and shirts back stage and as we walked onto

    the stage we hit our jeans and shirt to make the powder fly like it was dust

    on our clothes that was a result of all of the blessed destruction that

    we came thru but we made it!

    We used to have big signs at our assemblies on the stage "65 months"

    the next assebly "59 months." It is so sad that so many Witnesses

    say that we were just overzealous and the WT had nothing to do

    with it.

    Sour Grapes

  • Finkelstein

    Its amazing how people can be so mentally manipulated and coerced by the means of what they read and hear.

    Lets not forget that there are many other religious organizations that were really more about charlatanism $$$ than deep theological study

    of the bible.

    The WTS. doctrines were devised and created to enhance the proliferation of the organization's printed works, its as simple as that.

    The organization proclamation that god had specifically chosen them to dispense bible truths was apart of their ventured marketing scheme.

  • Finkelstein

    What makes up the corruption as a whole about this organization is not only its doctrines they push and postulate, its their irresponsible approach of not

    being accountable for those actions and how they might have personally damaged ones who were consumed by them.

    This is the part that angers most people, justifiably so

  • flipper

    RED PILLER- Exactly as I've been saying. Like you state JWs AFTER in the 1980s claimed JWs before 1975 were being foolish by " jumping ahead " of the organization - when in actuality the WT leaders were " jumping ahead " by building up expectations INSIDE of individual Witnesses - yet like most cults the rank & file members get blamed for false expectations, not the leaders in the WT Society. So typical. Like you mentioned expectations kept up into the early 1990's . Hoping against hope. Amazing.

    RATTIGAN 350- You have your views of not caring about what happened in 1975. I get it. But those of us who are concerned about how the WT Society misled and purposely deceived JWs DO care about this in order to expose WT Society dishonesty and deceptive behavior.

    REOPENED MIND- Like yourself I was part of the pre 1975 feeding frenzy occuring among JW's at the time. And like you and your husband I too am now in my 50's in this year 2013 and have 3 adult children aged 28, 26, and 24. I was told I'd never have children in " this old system ". Surprise, surprise, eh ? I'm glad that many of us escaped this deceptive scam of a cult the WT Society.

    COBALTCUPCAKE- Yeah, it sounds like we are the same age. Like yourself I was raised in the JW cult and I agree- people were told not to get dissappointed after 1975 didn't come true as it would be " disrespectful " of the organization to rub their nose in it. So not only WT leaders decided to ignore their failures, but WE as JW's were expected to ignore their failures as well ! Ridiculous. Sounds like your dad pushed you into baptism like I was pushed into it as well. With a fanatic elder father- I didn't have a snowball chance in hell to rebel without losing everything as a teenager.

    FINKELSTEIN- What a horrific tragedy about the 14 yr.old boy committing suicide over 1975 not coming true. As you said I'm sure he had other depressions and such- however many people like him were extremely depressed over 1975 not coming true. WT Society has a huge criminal accountability and liability to millions of people in my opinion.

    QUANDRY- So you were studied with by a JW who actually told you in 1973 that only 2 years were left until Armageddon ? Wow. It shows how whipped up into false expectations many JWs were influenced by false WT Society expectations. I agree it's an interesting study of human psychology how people can be influenced by " group think " like in George Orwells book 1984. The more pressure that's put onto members to conform to the WT leaders thoughts , the more alienated members feel if they don't go along with WT leaders thoughts resulting in scorn and insults if you think for yourself and don't align with the WT Societys views. Really scary.

    UCANTNOME- Interesting information about Russell. Thanks for sharing. Hey many of us were pioneers back in those days, we all got deceived, but at least we are out now ! Something to be happy about.

    MR FREEZE- Exactly. WT Society leaders are the kings of " doublespeak ". They constantly manipulate what they consider as alleged " truths " to suit their own agenda.

    WASBLIND- I know how you feel Was. I wasted 44 years from birth in the JW cult too. But we can at least be glad we are free now and out away from the mind control and can think for ourselves ! Thats something to be happy about ! All the folks alive in 1914 are mostly dead now. So the false predictions of the WT Society are dead in the water really.

    ON THE WAY OUT- Good points. WT Society did smile on Witnesses who caught " Armageddon fever " ( Funny ! I like that ) and anybody that pioneered was thought to be oh so in tune with WT leaders ! I'm glad you got out of the Witnesses OTWO while your mom is still trapped in it. Perhaps someday she will see the real scam of it all. One can only hope for many members of our families that they'll see through it. Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    SOUR GRAPES- Very interesting assembly part you had where you guys shook the dust off your clothes as if coming through armageddon. I agree with you- it's too bad the WT Society has rewritten the history and passed the lions share of the blame to rank & file JW members instead of accepting responsibility with WT leaders. Of course, we know it's not like WT leaders to accept blame for ANYTHING. Look at how they fight against accepting responsibility for child abusers in their organization. It's criminal.

    FINKELSTEIN- Good points. The manipulation of JW members and unwillingness of WT leaders to accept ANY responsibility for false promises or accountability for their actions is maddening to many of us. Especially those of us who wasted years and years of listening to these lies. Very true

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