“certain people will believe anything”
That’s the meat-and-potatoes of religion business builders.
Alas! Insofar as I can see, religion businesses will be around for a long, long time.
Marvin Shilmer
by flipper 140 Replies latest jw friends
“certain people will believe anything”
That’s the meat-and-potatoes of religion business builders.
Alas! Insofar as I can see, religion businesses will be around for a long, long time.
Marvin Shilmer
SOUR GRAPES- Well thanks, I appreciate that. But I feel EVERYBODY'S opinion is important on this board as we were not ALLOWED to have an opinion inside the JW cult when we were in it. We always had to follow the WT Society's opinion on everything. Those times are long gone. We can have an opinion now.
LISA ROSE- Like yourself I studied in the blue " Truth " book as well as a young teenager before I got baptized. And as you stated there was such a frenzy and excitement being pushed from the WT Society concerning 1975 that if we did NOT believe it we were deemed " unfaithful " or totally " weak spiritually ". It's so bizarre that AFTER 1975 came and went any JW bringing it up was looked down on too as if they were " serving for a date " like you said. It shows the unstable and bizarre operation of the WT Society in believing one thing one minute- then the next flip-flopping and condemning those who blieved what they taught just a year or two before. Helps us see we are REALLY dealing with a cult here.
JEFF- T - Very interesting experience, thanks for sharing. Isn't it amazing that people like this sister you mentioned totally forget how EXCITED they were about 1975 then go into denial like they never were and deny she ever said anything about the end coming and the tracts having something to do with it ? I remember placing those tracts myself as a teenager and it was a very aggressive campaign by the WT Society to bring the end even sooner ! Or so it seemed. So ridiculous.
TREBOR- Thanks for printing all those quotes showing how the WT Society was fanning the flames of 1975 expectations of ' Armageddon ". I remember the Dean Acheson quote too in the truth book about how dangerous the world would be in 1975, then after 1975 came and went- the WT Society TOTALLY took that quote out of the Truth book. Incredible. Think they were embarrassed just a wee bit ? Idiots. Like they knew anything in the first place !
FINKELSTEIN- Exactly, it was all a marketing scheme on behalf of the WT Society perpetrated by them. And rank & file JW's were and still are so mind controlled that they WILL lie on behalf of the WT Society and not even blink an eye or even think that they are lying ! It's ridiculous. They are so mentally off and controlled it's scary.
BLUES BROTHER- Interesting quotes ! Thanks for supplying them. Wow. " Many Witnesses conjectured ....... that events might start to take place in 1975. " Wow. That is SO dishonest on the WT Society's part and trying to use the rank & file JW's as scapegoats for the WT leaders OWN mistaken predictions. Amazing.
MARVIN SHILMER- Very interesting experience you shared about the Circuit Overseer who thought he knew how long Armageddon would last. It' so incredible these guys were arguing over an event that will never happen ! It shows how hopped up and emotionally on pins and needled everyone in the JW organization was at that time. So strange. Thanks for the quotes as well. I like the one that says " within our twentieth century, the battle of Jehovah will begin.... " . Uh-huh. I guess we missed it, eh ? Freaking unbelievable.
PROBLEMADDICT- Good point. There ARE people who will believe anything. Very gullible. And what happens also in my opinion is that there is such a huge turnover rate among Jehovah's Witnesses from one generation ( 25-30 years ) in new Witnesses getting baptized that the old messages of what happened in 1975 get buried on purpose by WT leaders and other older JWs because they don't want to " stumble " any new upcoming Witnesses so they conveniently get a huge case of amnesia and carry on as if the WT Society has had everything accurately right from the get-go. It's insane behavior but very useful to them to keep the illusions alive and well and advance the numbers in the organization
BTTT, Any comments welcome if you'd like to add to the points made ! Thanks
please can someone tell me what exactly happened to the money that came from the sale of homes etc. Was it donated to the org and if so was it given back when 1975 didn't happen .I expect not but can someone please tell me the exact situation regarding the sale of homes and cars and so on . Did you sell something valuable and what was your experience ?
JHINE- Interesting questions you ask. I knew some JW's personally who sold their homes and some donated the money to the WT Society, however some USED the money to go serve as pioneers in remote States in the United States where the " need was greater " like Tennessee, Montana, or North Dakota. And no, the organization didn't give these people I knew money back- even if they faltered financially moving to areas they were serving in as the employment opportunities were nil and non-existent. WT Society basically leaves these people on their own telling them that " Jehovah will provide " if they put the alleged " kingdom interests " first. Really sad
My aunts came in because of the whole 1975 fiasco. I can't stand it and I HATE HATE HATE the fact that the watchtower are committed to the lie that they didnt say the world was gonna end in 1975. I try not to curse and refrain from using bad language when it comes to the jdubs and religion but those guys are a bunch of douche bags and bastards, whoever is keeping up with the lie and keeping people under mind control! I hate it!
I totally remember it. "Stay alive till 75" It just makes my blood boil when I hear ones like the PO COBE's elder son who was born in 1978 say it was all made up and it never happened. He is now in his mid 30's and is saying to all of us who remember it are making it out to be more than it was and his COBE dad just sits there and lets him do it.
I was going to be 12 when 1975 was supposed to come, I was scared out of my mind. I thought Jehovah hated me because my parents hated me and I could not please Him anymore then I could make my parents happy. I guess I was like Calbe trying to not make Jehovah sad. I remember thinking when I was 9 years old that I had three years of life left then when I was 10 two years of life left I totally counted down the months to the end of my life at the age of 12. When the fall of 1975 came and went I was relived in so many ways but some ways I wished that Jehovah had just killed me as parents still hated me so much. Yet Jehovah gave my my parents and he would be so sad to know that I did not like them.
It just still makes me so mad to hear ones say that it never happened, I remember some of the JW's not going to the doctor when they were sick or this one elder who bought a set of tires for his car and he called them his Armageddon tires the last set he would ever have to buy in this system. Oh how I remember that time in my life and to be told that I made it up when I was just a child is so crazy making.
Mr Flipper , thank you for liking my questions ,and thank you for your answer and Joliette and life is two short . The reason that I wanted an exact answer from someone in theknow is because of a doorstep encounter with a 30ish yearold lady JW who did not know ( until I told her !) about the selling of property in the 70's and was quite surprised , but she was sure that all the monies would be returned once Armaggedon had not happened because the org . is soo good like that ! I wanted to get my facts straight before pursuing this topic and it is good to hear from people who can give me the facts . Ta very much
There was a elder in our cong who bought a house out in the countryside in about 73 or 74 and boasted that he would never have to pay for it as the end was coming. When nothing happened he had to move back into town as he couldnt afford to costs involved in keeping the house and running back and forth to meetings etc. He remained an elder though.