At over 60 years in the Cult, Is Lois Lane the Longest serving JW wake up here?

by cantleave 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I know a guy that woke up a couple of years ago and he died last year. He was 82 and when he finally woke up ~5 years ago he realized he had little left to live for, his whole life (from childhood on) as a JW, he was very bitter and decided to end it using euthanasia when his cancer returned.

  • cantleave

    he was very bitter and decided to end it using euthanasia when his cancer returned.

    This is what concerns me about people like my mum. They have invested so much and have so much to lose by leaving.

    Lois is something of an inspiration because I found starting over in my 40's was hard enough and I honestly believed once you got into your 60's the it would be easier to maintain the status quo, but her example shows that that you can wake up, leave and be positive for the future, even if you don't like cussing

  • NVR2L8

    No regrets,

    The talk was You can be secure in an unsafe world...and it highlighted some of the elements that threatens our lives such as natural disasters. I started looking for the latest stats on earthquakes and quickly realized the WT claims of a drastic increase since 1914 were bogus. What else could the WT lie about was my next question...Alarm bells were already ringing when I had given a service meeting part on how we should only use the WT publications to do research or when we started having a special issue of the Wt for study only. Then the book study was fitted in the midweek meeting transforming it into a form of speed-meeting that lost all meanings...flood gates were now fully open...

  • NoRegrets

    Thanks for sharing NVR and everyone! It's amazing what it sometimes takes to open a person's eyes! For us, it was the revelation that you can't simply fall away. My sister had her life turned upside down and she stopped attending meetings very abruptly. When everyone else stared treating her very badly, I was confused and angry at everyone! She hadn't been disfellowshipped and she hadn't disassociated herself so why were they still slinking away from her? It took me a long time to find articles that justified their actions which set off an alarm bell for us!

    No Regrets

  • RayPublisher

    It's never too late that's for sure.

    "Get busy living, or get busy dying"

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I'm in the second half of my 60's, an OAP and I have been in all my life. I found the TTATT just three years ago.

    However, to walk away is easier said than done at my age. I really don't want to end up divorced and with no family speaking to me at this point in my life.


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