Here they go again, taking random examples out of the LIE-ble and holding them up as if joke-hova will do the same for us. Suppose joke-hova does this for 100 people. You get 100 examples of where joke-hova did something for them, and you are supposed to believe that thing will be with you as well. What they don't say is the fact that joke-hova isn't with billions of others who are in even worse condition. How many were grabbed by the throat in Africa and sold as slaves (where the religions got the profits), and joke-hova let them be enslaved? What about the ones that died in famines and wars? Or, what about the idiot that pious-sneers with a major health problem and dies trying to get their hours in? Or that dies in an accident en route to a boasting session--that should have been called off? Where is joke-hova for those whose homes get foreclosed on, because the Rothschild scum placed their last payment on hold and foreclosed on it, only to process the payment 60 days late? (Or that lost their jobs and then their homes because of Rothschild scum?)
A lot of the hardship is stupid hardship. Yes, we are paying more for gas as the dollar loses its value. We are paying more for everything, and more and more families even in the world have little or no discretionary income. However, why waste gas going to boasting sessions and in field circus? If someone would rather pay for a Fenix HP20 headlight, batteries, and a charger instead of putting that money into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund box, what is so wicked about that that such person deserves to be destroyed? (That purchase would mitigate the hardship resulting from rolling blackouts.) And they are not supposed to find full time work? Supposing I find work that pays me enough income to put me into the upper class, but it would either go against washtowel rules, eat into boasting session and/or field circus, or both? If I take that work and invest wisely (and take the credit instead of giving it to joke-hova), what is so evil about that? Then in a few years, instead of suffering legendary hardships that could be placed into the LIE-ble's "new scrolls", I have only to cut back slightly on my lifestyle for a while until the Rothschilds are all gone, our toilet paper based dollars are gone, debt on the national level is reset, and regular people are once again in charge. Then I am in good condition to rebuild, while my witless comrades are up sxxx creek without a paddle, in a barbed wire canoe.
And, where was joke-hova for them?