Is this a religion run by PSYCOPATHS?

by Terry 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • moshe

    When you add up all the bad stuff that people do, you will see that most of them have a common denominator at heart= lying. Somewhere in the process is a lie, which is why you need to learn to recognize the difference between a mistake and deception and then act on it.

    Which is why JWs can't escape- if JWs do have an inkling of WT deception, they fail to take protective action like a normal person would= get away from these people.. I guess the leaders and regular JWs have a host-parasite relationship. And JWs are the ones getting the life sucked out of them.

  • Finkelstein
  • Glibness/ superficial charm
  • Grandiose sense of self-worth
  • Pathological lying
  • Conning/ manipulative
  • Lack of remorse or guilt
  • Shallow affect (genuine emotion is short-lived and egocentric )
  • Callousness; lack of empathy
  • Failure to accept responsibility for own action
  • In regards to the WTS. a grandiose amount of human ignorance thats stealthily protected and cherished.

    My opinion is thats all of this is structured around a frame of wanting power and control by men's own inner desires.

    Cults appear when someone wants to distinguish themselves as something special and unique (as divinely power or channeled as it were)

    A psychological delusion that has the potentiality to lure other people into this appealing delusion.

  • carla


    Good post Terry!

  • ambersun

    Hi kptkirk, sorry for the delay in replying. I have been a bit busy today and only just got back to my laptop.

    Jed is dead thanks for finding that WT article.

    I am sure there are others as well. I will try and find the links if I can and get back to you.

    I have also been searching for the youtube video in question. I originally found it via a link in a thread on JWN about a couple of years ago. It was blood chillingly awful.

    It was a talk by a GB member who has since died and I can't remember his name. He went into graphic detail about what he imagines (and hopes) will happen to the multitude of mankind at armageddon when he claims they will be destroyed by Jehovah. It was quite chilling to say the least and left me feeling quite sick. I will keep searching for it but maybe someone else will be kind enough to find it in the mean time. Anyway, I will keep searching

  • cptkirk

    And JWs are the ones getting the life sucked out of them.


  • gma-tired2

    Quick to the point answer YES!!!!!

  • ambersun

    Ah, I found the thread by Tatiana which was 4 years ago entitled A truly creepy 2007 public talk by Ciro Aulicino - You Will Be With Me in Paradise

    I'm really sorry I don't know how to do links.

    I think that Ciro Aulicino is/was a member of the bethel family but not sure if he was actually one of the GB.

    If you go onto youtube the video in question is titled Horror in Paradise

    The way he laughs half way through when talking about the dead bodies including gays and lesbians, it is really chilling.

  • Finkelstein

    I found it ..

    What this speaker shows is that even the WTS's chosen speakers can get far carried away into this fear inspired delusion and make

    alot of other people mentally sick. ( Mentally Diseased )

    When you listen to the hate and prejudice against minorities such as gays, one can see how disgusting level this religion can actually drive people to.

    I wouldn't be surprised that this idiot finally ended up in mental institute.

    The other disgusting part is that there were most likely young impressionable children in attendance sitting and listening to this fear mongering asshole.

  • Apognophos

    Whichever it may be, sociopath or psychopath, many organizations are led by similar personalities. If you don't think so, you haven't worked for many large companies.

  • ambersun

    Thank you Finkelstein .

    It is at least two years since I listened to that talk and I remembered some parts slightly differently, but as you say the hate and prejudice this man expresses is disgusting! How anyone of sound mind can rant on the way he did about the satisfaction of seeing the land strewn with dead bodies and body parts after armageddon, I just don't know.

    As you say, there would have been impressionable children listening to all that which doesn't bear thinking about. Also, if there were people in the audience with gay or lesbian relatives, how would they have felt?

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