I have read some of you talking about baptism not being a legaly binding contract as, for most it was undertaken as a minor. Has anyone successfuly nulled their baptism and exited free of consequence?
Is claiming your baptism null and void an exit plan?
by awakening 24 Replies latest jw friends
I would like to know this as well!
Since getting baptized identifies you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I suspect that VOIDING it would suggest that implies "So-and-so no longer is one of JWs". Same as DAing.
This would be a tough one, because any civil authority considering making such nullification available would have to do it for all religions that baptize minors, including Catholics.
Witness My Fury
I would guess that if seen as part of an exit strategy by the elders then it would be same as DA, but if seen as a genuine plea for a rededication and rebaptism then it could be allowed (after much scrutiny).
@Gopher- I see what you're saying but the reprecussions are far worse for JW minors who are baptized than with any other religion :/
Just a quick note of correction. The rituals and traditions followed within the walls of a church are not legally binding. How a local elder body decides to view a nullified baptism is all up to them (or however headquarters decides they are to intepret it). I suspect that if they think you are apostate, out you will go.
If it helps you to release yourself of the brain washing you received by this religious cult by all means go for it.
jgnat Just a quick note of correction. The rituals and traditions followed within the walls of a church are not legally binding .
Very true. I was onlt 13 when I was dunked; too young to make a legally binding decision.
When i sat with 2 elders 2 weeks ago I mentioned that I was NOT recommended for baptism back when I was 16 by last elder to do questions with me.
I said I did NOT answer YES to two baptism questions because during talk I realized I had not said a prayer of dedication.
I said I was afraid and humiliated and too scared to step out of line and not go get dunked so I did.
All true events = my baptism is null and void,,,,elder manual says elders CANNOT override...it is between God and me.
I just don't know if I should write a letter to make it official, I don't want that to lead to sanctioned shunning by elder body.