I have not been going to the meetings for just over nine months and was wondering what to say when an elder asked am I coming back. If I say no will I get df'd? We have not gotton any phonecalls or visits but a text message asking if we are coming back. What do I do in order to keep them off my back for good and not get df'd?
What will happen if I say no
by label licker 19 Replies latest jw friends
LL: We have not gotton any phonecalls or visits but a text message asking if we are coming back.
Way to shepherd the flock of God!
If that's all they're doing I would suggest just ignoring it for now. Probably the elder that did that doesn't really want to talk to you and sent the text message so he can tell his fellow elders at their next elders' meeting that he has tried to contact you.
Being MIA is not (at least yet) a DF'ing offense.
Probably in time they'll begin to forget about you ... "Brother Label-who?"
There's no way to predict which way an elder might go. They are very busy people and it can't be fun to track down former members. Text back that you plan on visiting soon and don't. "Lose" the next text. Don't put up christmas lights.
I don't know how to permanently get them off your back unless you move or DF.
Tell them meetings make you feel suicidal and you are just waiting on Jehovah
If all you have gotten in 9 months is 1 text message, your elders might be the type who don't really have time/care enough to go after faders. Hope you didn't respond to the text. If possible, look at the caller ID before answering the phone, and if it is one of them, don't answer. Don't respond to any messages left, or answer texts, emails, and if they show up at the door unannounced, don't answer. You're not up to speaking to anyone that day if you accidentally open to them. Hope they stay away from you, tho. All the best to you in your fade.
A text message? How absolutely insulting!!!!
If you dont want to be DF .say yes you will be back when your feeling well.
I know someone ( I think you know them too since you live in my town you say))
She never went back & has never been df. If you dont go to meetings they wont DF
you,but if you talk against them ( & they find out )they will .Mouthy
I quit!
Text back "no "
breakfast of champions
Ignore it. No reply needed.
I think it is disgraceful that the elder sent you a text about that.
Do they not even pretend to be shepherds anymore?
Be as vague and evasive as possible for as long as possible.