What will happen if I say no

by label licker 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • notjustyet

    Text back,. " your text to me makes me feel suicidal"


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Text him this reply: "brb"


  • flipper

    LABEL LICKER- I agree with those who say to ignore it. No need to reply. That way you're not saying " no " . They can't DF you for just not going to meetings. But they WILL try to DF people for what they say or words they use. You don't owe the elders any explanation. If they try calling on you at your door you could always lie and just say " I may come back some day , but I'm dealing with some personal issues, thanks anyway". And excuse yourself and close the door. I've actually done that before and they stopped bothering me in that particular congregation years ago

  • tiki

    ignore it..........do what you please..........they hold no power over you

  • jam

    It,s funny to read new ones trying to figure how to avoid

    the Elders, I understand, I was there (avoiding the elders).

    It,s hard for others to understand, why can,t you tell them

    F---- off, they are only men, nothing special. I laugh about

    myself when I would go to the back of the house when freinds (JW,S)

    come over to visit my wife, I can,t beleive I would actually leave the

    room in my own home that I pay for, because a JW was sitting in my

    house. LOL

  • label licker
    label licker

    I wouldn't be sooo hard to do that Jam except I have a couple of relatives that are in and I have the most awesome hairdresser who is one as well. Good hairdressers are hard to find. LOL.

    Mouthy, I will keep a down low like you say. Yesterday I was at a store and the two girls working behind the counter was a gal I had studied with for a year and a half and beside her was a witness. The witness was from another hall and had heard I was gone and asked if she could help me with anything. I told her what I took it up in prayer and this is the path Jehovah is leading me and have to listen to him. (thank you Jw net) She started to cry and I thought what the,,,,

    Please Mouthy be patient with me for I have a trust factor that I have to work on but you will meet with me soon. It stems from when I was a kid and coming back into the religion made it worse. I love you guys for all your help and feel more closer to you guys whom I have never met than the ones who were standing in front of me at the hall and looking past me while I'm talking to them.

    Thank you thank you thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • mouthy

    label licker!!! the one thing I do not have is patience...In fact before Mel( my daughter that died)
    told me before she died...."MUM I will pray that you will find patience that is one thing God doesnt
    give us."Well I still dont have it .....PATIENCE!!!!But if I ever get it.... I will let you know
    Only kidding!!!! I dont have to know who you are Jesus my GOD knows you

  • label licker
    label licker

    It feels good to know that we accept one another no matter what, with or without flaws. Thanks Grace! It really mean alot. Have a good night and hope you sleep well.

  • jam

    Label Licker: We all understand your predicament,

    we all have been there. But one day that power will

    change, that control they have over you and when that happen,

    oh boy, what a joyous time.

    My grandfather told me when I was 8 or 9 years old, a bully was

    given me a hard time each day at school, he told me find you

    a stick and whack him across the noggin. Well one day I did just

    that, and he never bother me again. That,s how I view the WT elders,


  • whathappened

    This reminds me of my former Kingdom Hall. It was a "critical care" hall, they only cared when it was critical.

    Ignore them, they really don't have the time, neither do they care.

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