From talking to several fading JWs over the years, it really does appear that Assembly Talk assignments are usually given to those POs who consistently hand over the thickest envelopes to the CO at the end of his week-long visits. If the envelope was too thin (or there was no enevelope at all), chances are that no one in that congo would get an Assemby Talk assighnment. Also, if the CO and his wife were treated well or taken to expensive restaurants during their visit, that apparently increased the PO's chances of getting an Assembly Talk assignment. Has anyone else heard of anything similar or have my observations been pure coincidence?
Assembly Talks... Are these assigned based on the thickness of the envelope?
by Calebs Airplane 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I had a falling out with a CO which had him come back and apologise to me.
I have never given money to a CO.
Yet I have been assigned items at the Assembly.
Might just be the exception to the rule though.
I have seen brothers brown nose to get talks on the CA & SD. But the CO or DO don't want a totally unqualified speaker, makes them look bad. The CO notes when he visits who has parts and are fairly glib at speaking and obedient. I have never seen anyone buy their way into giving a DC talk though. It is more who knows who and has demonstrated some skill and is obedient. Many have Bethel background so have a history there. There are always exceptions but in this case I don't believe it is the rule. Once I did see a brother fool a new CO into giving him a part; it was a disaster, never again though.
The secretary Elder in my KH got his first DC talk last year. He was appointed in 2003 and he said that in the congo they grade you by filling out a report that is later sent to the WT. Later the DC talk gets mailed to your inbox straight from headquarters. Anyone knows if this is true?
There certainly is a political process to getting Assembly talks, but I don't think the thickest envelope is the biggest part of it.
Treating the C.O. (and/or his wife) to dinners and outings is important, but as Blondie said, talking skills and obedience are a huge part.
Remember that the C.O. has a reputation to build up.
That said, a totally obedient former Bethelite with excellent talking skills might get on the program without any green handshakes at all, but the Assembly has several speakers.
Each year 3 elders from the body grade all other elders in their cong and send it to the CO as a recommendation as to who could deliver a great talk at the DC...I have done this for the last few years for my cong.
The CO then adds his recommendation and the bethel then assign the talks.
Nothing to do with money or how they treat the CO...I have had talks at DC and got one even though I barely spoke to the CO in his first year....
I wonder if one could pad up the thickness of the envelope with Zimbabwe one dollar notes--toilet paper. Or wait until the dollar in the United Tyranny of Stupidity becomes toilet paper and put one toilet paper notes in it. Or print up a bunch of Zero Dollar Bills.
These are slanderous allegations. Been there, done that - but never did an envelop change hands.
Caleb, in which world were you a JW?
suavojr - what you said it true.
I'm sure if you look back through Atlantis' BOE postings, you will find the form that is filled out by elders to grade speakers on their "ability".
It is a bit of a farce because elders all grade each other in their congregations, so elders that get along with each other grade each other highly. Of course, if you have elders that don't get along with each other, then there might be some low grades. And also, some elders have very different ideas about what makes a good speaker.
Grading is a relatively new process. Before that, the C.O. had a list of brothers he used. In our circuit, it was always the same prominent ones who gave parts until one courageous C.O. came along and said he would make his own list. Finally, different speakers! But, alas, that C.O. has come and gone and we're back to the original where the same prominent brothers are being used over and over and over. I don't think the grading system is working all that well. As for money being part of it, perhaps that's true. I could even see that there was a whole lot of brown-nosing going on... not necessarily money, per se, but whatever these men could do to get on the C.O.'s good side. I never played that game. I have given a couple of Circuit Assembly parts, but it was certainly not because I brown-nosed. I did everything I could to avoid the C.O. because I never thought it was right to do that and I never wanted to be perceived as a prominent one (aka brown-noser).