I saw elders who were horrible speakers but wealthy get assignments on the CA and DC. Also saw piss poor elders that were excellent speakers get the parts. And then there were pioneers on welfare and government assistance that were not great speakers but had the Pioneer badge. I guess it takes all kinds. I was offered parts, generally symposium arrangements and declined several times. Eventually the offers did not come. I was neither rich, poor, or a pioneer. Damn good speaker though. I guess thats to be expected when trained like a robot since the age of 3.
Assembly Talks... Are these assigned based on the thickness of the envelope?
by Calebs Airplane 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's all politics. And we all know what is involved in politics.
My dear father said once, "If anyone, including "elders" say that politics doesn't play a large part in the congregation in who gets what "privileges" they are either very naive, or liars!"