Too bad I never noticed this trend--they would insist on having the boasting session no matter what. It is about value. If it costs more to be at the boasting session than it's worth, it should be called off. This means that, if it is too dangerous for any reason (traffic, weather, or anything else), the price of gas or just running the damn car that distance is higher than the value of being there, or if it is simply a waste of time, there is no reason not to cancel it--or better, not attempt to hold the damn thing in the first place.
This is not like school. At least when you go to school, you are supposedly learning skills (these days, the public Rockefeller jails schools are doing a crappy job of it, but in theory school is where you go to learn to live). If there are too many snow days, or if people skip school too much, that disrupts the process. And besides, what are children going to do if they skip school? Some go out and vandalize things or sit at home to be abused by their parents. Granted, some go out and have fun--while missing out on the chance to learn valuable skills. For me, a snow day meant spending time sledding or playing in the snow--or, during the period where I was with my father while he was laid off, doing stupid work for that thing that was almost as dead as field circus.
But, with a boasting session, you learn nothing. You don't even get the nice ride--a few kilometers extra if you get the one student that lives on a spur at the beginning of the route on your bus that happens to be on the bus that day (good--an extra 10 minutes before my father could call me on a stupid work project). Just the same rubbish. You learn how NOT to succeed in the world, and there is never any variance these days. This is even worse than sitting home waiting for your father to call on you to do some stupid chore. Learning the latest presentations, studying the same crap about how joke-hova blessed something like 50 people in the past (all of them leading to the same nazarene saving us crap), or that fornication is the worst thing next only to apostasy is not my idea of something I would be handicapped if I blew off or if they had to cancel it.
Needless to say, I always hoped for a half-meter of snow (or a whole meter) on boasting session days. And I got pxxxed when they knocked the snow down to a couple of centimeters, it missed us altogether, it turned to all rain, or the idiot hounders decided to have the boasting session anyways.
And by the way, I hope they have to cancel the REJECT Astaroth Party. That is one wastefest that is never worth anything. To me, holding it is a complete waste of time, gas, electricity, and everything else. Those who would rather honor Jesus than Astaroth also see this as a waste, since it honors neither Jesus nor Astaroth but just the greys and angels that want us all enslaved. Nothing lost in losing that rubbish.