Well, I believe in God and therefore I believe in Demons and Satan.
It may have been my youthful imagination, but I would say that I have been visited by Demons.
First, let me say, that usually anything that is not fully understood, or not concidered to be Godly, would be concidered evil. I believe evil has different levels. Yadirf is one. haha
What is a Demon? I think this could be a variety of things. Bad dreams, ghosts, voices, sounds, lights, spirits or just something very odd happening. It depends on the person and the Demon.
A few things that I saw as a kid and teenager:
When I was eight or nine (BTW, these are all true, to the best of my memory)my stepdad(x now) and his best friend were standing out side the house. It was getting dark. The friends name was Denny and was a religious man(not a JW, I said religious). My stepdad, I believe had many demons in him. Long story short, my mother screamed for me to get in the house, I looked back outside and there was a fireball looming above Dennys van. Never touched the van. This lasted for about 30 seconds.
A year later. We had a bad storm come in. Tornadoes, lightning, thunder, rain and wind. Middle of the day lightning struck the dining room window, did not break it, and a ball of whatever actually skid across the tile in the kitchen and melted it. There was a 4-7 foot melted path left behind. I was in the basement when this happened but did see the floor all scarred up.
When I was 16-17 years old. I was into some bad stuff at that age. Had a terrible dream one night and woke up the next day with claw marks on my chest. Like 3 fingernails ripped my skin. Around the same time, woke up and my radio was playing music backwards. Within a year of that woke up to ultimate terror. I could not make out a figure, but felt a strange feeling that something was hovering over me. I remember being so scared that I couldn't even scream. There was like a mist or a cloud in my room. NOTE: My older brother at this time was into some REALLY SCARY STUFF, like hanging crosses up-side down in his room , pentagrams in his room and several pics of Demons and hard rock bands on his walls. Coinsidence? He is still involved. Here is a pic of him on his site.
Break the chains that bind you,
unless, of course, you're into that sort of thing.