Who am I? -- Isaiah 49:1-6 Answers...

by MDS 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jr

    Hi all,

    Please answer something for me. If God wrote a book for EVERY man to use for salvation, then why can't EVERY man (or woman) read it and get their own correct interpretation? Why is it every religion has one correct view of scripture and none of them fits my own reading of them?

    “At this they said to him: “We have dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter with us.” So Joseph said to them: “Do not interpretations belong to God?…” Gen40:8

    He uses a specific channel of communication. That's why the scripture says,

    “For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7


  • Frenchy

    Hey, Mighty Darn Stupid... I hear there's a comet coming and I know a guy that makes some great grape kool aid.

    *Notice that I did not name names...

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • TR

    Legends in their own minds.

    So, Jr, Bjc,

    Is MDS a bible character in the flesh? Should we follow the pied piper? Shalst we adopt his doctrine? I started a new religion, also. It's called "The Lost That Have Been Found". Follow me and I'll give you a top post of some kind in my religion. Check out the "New Religion" thread.


  • MDS
    Please answer something for me. If God wrote a book for EVERY man to use for salvation, then why can't EVERY man (or woman) read it and get their own correct interpretation? Why is it every religion has one correct view of scripture and none of them fits my own reading of them?

    Very good question.

    "Jr." has respondedly correctly in that "interpretations do belong to God," only.

    Thus, it is His choice, his idea to handle this situation in a most unique way...to cut down on confusion.

    God provides ONE answer, ONE interpretation, and ONE INTERPRETER, a human "Interpreter," like Jesus, when on earth. No confusion this way. One explanation from God. One. Thus, Jesus, God's Son, would, and should "rightfully" interpret the prophecies of God...one man...for that nation of "Israel," of the first century. -- Luke 24:27

    Here's why? INSPIRATION...

    Yes, inspiration.

    Since only God, knows what is really meant behind His Words, His prophetic sayings, only He knows, -- then it is only He who can "inspire" a man to have the correct understanding of a matter. He must "reveal" it to this man, thru inspiration, and thus this man, now becomes God's Prophet, or spokesman, duly authorized by holy spirit, to give the "Sacred Pronouncements" of God.

    Now, empowered by God Himself, The true "prophet" now, speaks for/interprets, God's Word, the Bible for the people, God's people, Israel. This is the Divine Pattern, as revealed in the scriptures.


    "For example, to one there is given through the spirit speech of wisdom, to another speech of knowledge according to the same spirit, to another faith by the same spirit, to another gifts of healings by that one spirit, to yet another operations of powerful works, to another prophesying, to another DISCERNMENT OF INSPIRED UTTERANCES, to another different tongues, and to another interpretation of tongues. -- 1 Corinthians 12:8-10

    Now, lets think for a minute.

    As mentioned above, the "spirit," of God, miraculously can enable mere mortal man, to do some fantastic, supernatural things. Things much beyond his scope. Things like the ability to do "powerful works," to "prophesy," or foretell the future, to "speak in tongues," and the ability to "intrepret" these same foreign "tongues." Some Amazing things!

    But did you notice, also included on this list was the ability to show "discernment of inspired utterances"?

    Yes, "Inspired Utterances," what is that?

    "INSPIRED UTTERANCES," are those that are utterances from God. Prophetic utterances, as spoken by the "prophets," of old.

    And, did you notice, the ability to "DISCERN" or understand, these same prophetic, inspired utterances, is actually a "special gift" from God, Jehovah -- a "gift," of the spirit.

    Yes, it is. Why?

    Well, because normally, and generally speaking, no normal, mortal man, can "discern inspired utterances", no matter how much he studys, and researches and so on, he cannot "discern" the meaning of these "prophetic utterances," WITHOUT, and that is without, the help of God Himself. That is why.

    Thus, the bible's prophetic messages, still stand to be fully intrepreted, fully understood, to be fully explained, in our day...it has not been done, so far, for our day and time. No one can explain it, unless he first, must be Inspired, and duly appointed by God, to do so. It is just that simple.

    So, until God says so, we can't fully "understand," the bible, and fully be able to "discern inspired utterances," -- it is beyond ability.

    So, the bible is not, in our day, then, fully understood, nor CAN IT BE!

    This would require the Special Intervention of God, Almighty, Jehovah!

    Praise Jah!

    Yes, to "discern inspired utterances," prophetic messages, is a "gift of the spirit," just like "interpreting foreign tongues." Mortal man, simply cannot do this, on his own power. He cannot.

    It is a "gift of the spirit." Jehovah must intervene.

    So, just like a mortal man, cannot "intrepret foreign tongues," simply and solely ON HIS OWN STRENGTH, INTELLIGENCE, or POWER, ... neither can mortal man, "discern Divine Utterances," prophetic utterances, "inspired utterances" of God, unless, HE HAS BEEN GIVEN THE "GIFT OF THE SPIRIT," FROM JEHOVAH GOD.

    Remember, the ability to "Discern Inspired Utterances," is a "powerful work" of God...a "gift of the spirit," just like the ability to "interpret tongues," "prophesy" the future, "speak in tongues," and perform miraculous "healings." It is to be viewed on this same heightened level...heaven high level...it is the "Gift of God." ... the "gift of the spirit." A Special Gift from God.

    Now, let's think back a little bit.

    Isn't it true, that the WTS is totally unaware of this scripture, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10...isn't this so?

    They are NOT even thinking about this Bible text...are they?

    ...that's why they keep making the same mistake, the same mistake of believing that THEY, yes they, on their OWN POWER and so on, as mere mortal men, yes, they CAN CORRECTLY INTERPRET, prophecies of the Bible, the book of Revelation, the prophetic books of Micah, Isaiah, Daniel, Hosea, WITHOUT INSPIRATION!

    Is this possible?

    The Bible answers, No!

    But, this is what they believe, and what they teach.

    They think they can "guess" the answers, as it were. Make "educated guesses," to "discern" the "inspired utterances," the prophetic messages found in the Holy Scripture.

    But... They cannot interpret the "inspired utterances", the prophets of old... because as they admit... as they admit, THEY ARE NOT INSPIRED. They say "spirit-directed," but that's not the same thing, as they explain it...its not "inspiration," now is it?

    Yes, they admit that they do not have nor have they ever, ever been given, the "gift of the spirit," yes, "discernment of inspired utterances." They admit they are NOT inspired, nor do they have this "gift of the spirit." So, they fail, fail, fail, over and over, because they do not have this "gift" from God, by their own admission!

    And so too, with everyone else, anyone, who is not inspired, NOT so given the "gift of discernment of inspired utterances," ... they too yes, will fail, fail, fail, because as they admit...they too, just like the WTS, they too are NOT inspired. And the scripture says, one cannot "interpret" an "inspired utterance," without being yourself, simply being INSPIRED... simple. "Inspired utterances," "inspired interpreters." ... simple... Makes sense?

    Therefore, the mistake that everyone keeps making is that, what everyone keeps forgeting, it that mankind, even collective mankind, over centuries, and centuries of time, still, cannot solely with human intelligence, "discern inspired utterances," or interpretation of God's Prophetic Word, The Bible. This simply CANNOT be done. No, no, no, not with only normal human, intelligence. It cannot be done. As the Bible says, in order for one to be able to "discern inspired utterances," one MUST BE, that's must INSPIRED by God...it is a "gift of the spirit," from God Almighty.


    "Behold it, you scorners, and wonder at it, ...YOU WILL BY NO MEANS BELIEVE even if anyone relates it to you in detail." -- Acts 13:41

    Edited by - MDS on 6 February 2001 15:46:41

  • mommy
    It cannot be done with normal human, intelligence

    Great NOW you are telling us you are NOT human? From what planet do you hail?

  • MDS


    "For the thoughts of you people are not my thoughts, nor are my ways your ways," is the utterance of Jehovah. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and MY THOUGHTS [higher] than your thoughts." -- Isaiah 55:8,9

    Jehovah's "Thoughts," are higher than ANY man's, including my thoughts too. Remember, I stayed in the WTS, just like you for many years... thinking as everyone else. Yes, they had the "framework of truth," but that is all. Yes, Israel, has "truth," basic, fundamental "truths," that cannot be overlooked. But not "All Truth."

    Still, I was there, at the Kingdom Hall, like everyone else, looking for answers too. And as you would expect, I knew no more than you or anyone else.

    So, God had to "reveal" this to me, that's "reveal" it, in His own time. He had to "plant" these thoughts...as they do not come from man. I'm living proof of that. I was at the kingdom hall for many years, and going out in field service too, teaching the same things that all Jehovah's Witnesses do. The "truths," and the now, known falsehoods. I did this, which proves I was no different, from anyone else on this board.

    God decided to "reveal" these things to me...over a period of time.

    Remember: TRUTH, will stay within the confines of "Israel." the "Sacred Pronouncements" of God, will stay with "Israel," along with its unique, inspired intrepretations too.

    Jehovah will only give such interpretations to "Israel," to someone of Israel, an "Israelite, someone within the family of Jehovah's Witnesses, a Jehovah's Witness. This way, Jehovah will keep the "truth," in the family, if you know what I mean.

    Remember, All Truth, comes THRU "Israel," only. That's only, Jehovah's Witnesses, modern-day "Israel," of our times... only us as a family, one among our number, only will get the truth, and all of it. Israel, and only "Israel," gets "ALL TRUTH," first," that's first. Thus, after we (JWs) turn it down, now, it can go to Non-Jehovah's Witnesses, or "Gentile Believers." But, only then, after we've had FIRST CHANCE. -- See John 16:13; Romans 3:1,2; Matt. 24:14; Acts 15:14-18

    Therefore, on that basis, I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. And appropriately so, since I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses, (and for other reasons not disclosed), Jehovah decided to give it to me.

    I hope this helps.


    "Behold it, you scorners, and wonder at it, ...YOU WILL BY NO MEANS BELIEVE even if anyone relates it to you in detail." -- Acts 13:41

    Edited by - MDS on 6 February 2001 15:58:5

  • thinker


    God provides ONE answer, ONE interpretation, and ONE INTERPRETER

    So, only ONE interpeter?

    "For example, to one there is given through the spirit speech of wisdom, to another speech of knowledge according to the same spirit, to another faith by the same spirit, to another gifts of healings by that one spirit, to yet another operations of powerful works, to another prophesying, to another DISCERNMENT OF INSPIRED UTTERANCES
    , to another different tongues, and to another interpretation of tongues. -- 1 Corinthians 12:8-10

    "...to one ... to another...to another...to yet another...to another...to another...to another.." This sounds like a whole lot more than ONE.

    Thanks for your interpretation, but I think I'll stick to my own reading of the bible.


    Edited by - thinker on 6 February 2001 18:58:22

  • larc


    I have some questions regarding your sermon of Feb. 4. You said that the seven year period was from the spring of 1991 until the spring of 1998. What marked the beginning and end of this seven year period?

    You said that the message would not go to Israel after the fall of this year. Does that mean that your preaching work is over at that time?

    Starting in the fall, the Gentiles will pour in to the tune of 200 million in the next 18 months. How will we know these saved ones when we see them, or is this an invisible thing?

    In the spring of 2003, you say that a massive persecution of JWs, a trampling will begin and last for 42 months? Do you still believe that only one third of the JWs will repent during this time. If so, does this mean that the JW org. will shrink in size by that much and that they will make significant changes in what they teach in order to be "clean again?"

    Do you still believe that we should go to JW meetings, but you shouldn't?

  • MDS

    Hi Larc:

    ...You said that the seven year period was from the spring of 1991 until the spring of 1998. What marked the beginning and end of this seven year period?

    The questions you have asked are good questions. Many JWs will want to know the significance of the "special atonement" period, of some 7 years, paid in their behalf.

    Simply put, The Day of Atonement, literally in Hebrew actually can be translated to mean, Day of Atonement(S), plural. The literal Hebrew. Both "goats," of Leviticus 16th chapter, both accomplish this for God. Two (2) Atonements for Two (2) "Israels,",

    (a) a first century one, and modern-day one. One "goat," makes atonement by dying and giving his perfect human life, thus saving the first century "Israel."

    (b) And the second "goat," after being cleansed by the blood of Jesus, could now, after that cleansing, and dutifully "fleeing from idolatry" of the WTS, could now go to the wilderness in a "cleansed," state, and as it were, "taking the sins of the nation," WITH HIM. Thus, making "atonement" for modern-day "Israel." -- 1 Cor. 10:14.

    Just as Leviticus 16:21, 22 says:

    "And Aaron must lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat and confess over it all the errors of the sons of the Israel and all their revolts in all their sins, and he must put them upon the head of the goat and send it away by the hand of a ready man into the wilderness. And the goat must carry upon itself all their errors into a desert land, and he must send the goat away into the wilderness."

    The purpose of "sending the goat away into the wilderness," for to (a) carry off the "ALL the errors of the sons of Israel, ALL their revolts in all their sins and (b) and be taught by God Himself, away from WTS, and grow spiritually from a "twig" or "root out of waterless land" [or wilderness] state, to a full grown spiritual nation of Spiritual "Israel," right within the wilderness. -- Isa. 53:2 & 11.

    After these "Seven Years" of Atonement had been accomplished, he could now, be considered to have "fulfilled the Law of Christ," the Christian Covenant, as the nation of "Israel," should have been able to do. He is a "christian," a "cleansed" christian, who has lived away from the idolatry of the WTS for 7 years now, in God's eyes. He could now become the "Capstone," or last stone of that New Covenant, that Jesus instituted, in God's eyes. He is the "finishing Gable Stone," the "Capstone," or the last stone, in that Covenant arrangment, the same way, Jesus was the "capstone" of the Mosiac Law, being the sole one that "fulfilled the Law of Moses.

    Now, in turn, he could "cap" off the Covenant for the nation, the way Jesus did for ancient Israel, and now become the "foundation" stone for the New Covenant that God is now offering to Israel," to make for peace between the two. He became the "Capstone," of the Christian Covenant -- the "Finishing Gable Stone," or "TopStone" of that Covenant, as he fulfilled it, in God's eyes. "Capstone," "Finishing Gable Stone," and "Topstone," is translated from a unique Hebrew word, which is found only once in the Bible at Zechariah 4:7. -- See New International Version; Amplified Bible; New American Standard at Zechariah 4:7.

    After, this, he could become now, the Mediator of the Scapegoat Covenant, or "live goat," Covenant, which now is OPERATIVE, since the Spring of 1998.

    He now becomes the "MEDIATOR," and "FOUNDATION STONE" of this new Scapegoat Covenant that God is offering to "Israel." The blood of Jesus has made this all possible.

    Jesus became the "Capstone," of the Mosiac Law, when he fulfilled it, as the last person under that Law, that fulfilled it. The last stone of that Law. Now, God, could use Jesus to pivot, and now inaugurate the New Covenant, where now, Jesus would become the "foundation stone," and "Mediator" of that same Covenant to Christian followers.

    The "Scapegoat," thus, becomes the "Capstone," to the Christian Covenant, the last stone for that arrangement, when he fulfills the "Law of Christ," and then, pivots by the hand of God, and becomes the "Mediator," and "foundation stone" of the Scapegoat Arrangement, or Covenant.

    This was fully accomplished in Spring 1998.

    I am "relating the details" of this situation, this day. -- Acts 13:41

    Will Jehovah's Witnesses, believe, or not believe...that is the question.

    So, in Spring 1991, the "live goat," [MDS] left the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, as described at Hebrews 13:13, 14, and voluntarily "went to the wilderness."

    He stayed there for 7 years, to pay off the debt. During all this time, he paid off a debt, that "Israel," had incurred by a practice of "idolatry," in God's eyes, in that he willingly allowing himself to be treated as a "disfellowshiped" person, even though, his personal sins, had already been "atoned," for by God. In this newly "cleansed" state, went to the wilderness, to be treated as a criminal, a lawless one, and in doing so, He paid a "debt" for Israel, even though, in God's eyes, he was completely innocent. God had already "acted" to clear him of any WTS related sins, and violations of the New Covenant. This, God did, as described at Leviticus 16:10.

    God was able to do this for him personally, because of his "faith," in God, as Abraham had. As, at the time of his departure, the nation of "Israel," did not possess this level of "faith," as he had. -- Isaiah 41:27-29

    Jehovah now, selects him to act as a "VICAR," or he becomes a "vicarious" sacrifice, where becomes the "fall guy," the "stand-in" for the nation of "Israel." He substitutes for them. The "live goat," willingly accepts the punishment due for "Israel," yes takes the punishment alloted for someone else, who needs to experience "wrath," and punishment for past "sins," and "revolts," against God..."Israel," the nation thereof.

    This would prove to be a seven-year process. He must endure the entire period...as the "stand-in" person, with all of the shame and malice, and indignities, that came along with this situation. For 7 years. He would take the punishment, for the nation, so that the nation does not necessarily, that's does not necessarily, have to be disfellowshiped from the sight of God, away from Him, in the wilderness. It would be choice, that each and every "Israelite," would make for himself...either believe the "report," or accept the "consequences" of not believing. -- Isa. 53:1

    This is a very, difficult period for him, to endure, ... these 7 years meant for "Israel." He gets the brunt of it. The Devil makes life very, hard for him. He oppressed every where he looks. There is very little, if any, relief for him.

    But, he accomplishes what God wants him to do, exactly like Jesus did, 2000 years ago. For this, God grants him "light." -- Isaiah 53:11 see Large Print Ref. Bib. footnote.

    Now, after the 7 years are up, any Jehovah's Witness, can benefit from this arrangement, and come into IMMEDIATE favor of God, by simply ACCEPTING, in full faith, the sacrificial arrangement that God has established for them, through this new "covenant" arrangement for "peace" with God. During this 7-year period, the "live goat," willingly accepts the "chastisement" meant for Israel, the discipline that would bring "peace," between God and Israel, was put upon him, the "live goat" for the many "revolts" of "Israel," following the WTS. The 7-year period of "chastisement," came upon him, for "Israel's" indiscretions and "sins." An arrangement must be made to bring about "peace," now between God and "Israel." -- Isaiah 53:4,5,10; Hebrews 12:7-11 reveals this.

    The period of discipline, the "live goat" accepts for Israel, runs Spring 1991 thru Spring 1998.

    The "Scapegoat" leaves the organization in Spring 1991, and by Spring 1998, after that, he is now in position to administer a new "Covenant" of peace to "Israel," if anyone among "Israel" wants to receive of this "peace" with God. As of Spring 1998, any could learn of this information, and voluntarily join "association," with MDS & Co., if they so choose. Any dedicated, baptized Jehovah's Witness could do this, after Spring 1998. -- Isa. 42:6; 49:8

    Though, we cannot release any figures or numbers, we can say that some few, have responded.

    You said that the message would not go to Israel after the fall of this year. Does that mean that your preaching work is over at that time?

    My preaching work, and role of "bringer of the good news" to "Israel," specifically, will officially be over. That is correct. I started this work, late fall of 1994 and it will continue, for 7 years, or until late fall of 2001. At that time, it will be over for "Israel," presenting or preaching the "good news" to Jehovah's Witnesses as a nation and their need to "repent". After that period is over, it will be many years before they (JWs) will see me again, when they say, "blessed is he that cometh in the Name of Jehovah," many years from now, though I'm not at liberty to disclose exactly when. "Israel," one day, would loooovvveee to get that info, but it will not be given her. She must be very patient and learn and wait upon Her God. -- Isa. 41:27; 52:7; Micah 7:7-9

    Starting in the fall, the Gentiles will pour in to the tune of 200 million in the next 18 months. How will we know these saved ones when we see them, or is this an invisible thing?

    Only those JWs, who have faith, to "believe the report," the message, the "good news" of escape from modern-day "Babylon the Great," only these ones, only those JWs, will see this miraculous "gathering" of the 200 Million Gentiles for God's Name...God's "sign," or miracle. Even better, these ones are spoken of as the "4 angels" "tied at the river Euphrates," in Revelation 9:13-15.

    God will have them "untied," or released from the "Euphrates," the waters surrounding Babylon the Great, ... Jehovah will have them "released," to actually LEAD the Calvary of 200 million. They will be the chief instruments used by God, to assist the 200 million that Jehovah will gather, to truth and knowledge of God. They will become Leaders of this large international congregation or group. The "4 Angels" at the Euphrates, are Jehovah's Witnesses that God picks to be "released," and learn fully this "good news." They express "faith," in the message. These are the people, that Jehovah knows will "BELIEVE the report," the "thing heard." -- Isa. 53:1; John 12:38; Revelation 9:13-19

    THESE ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE, these especially chosen, baptized JWs, the only ones, that will be allowed to see the gathering of the 200 million Gentiles for God's Name...

    ... (aside from a special interest group -- a groups of non-baptised individuals, who are especially interested in the "good news," spreading earthwide, especially picked or chosen by God...to do a special work for them...the group that will eventually number 144,000. Since they are not baptized, they can accept the new Covenant arrangement from God, the Scapegoat Covenant, where water baptism WILL NOT BE A REQUIREMENT, under this new Scapegoat Covenant. These are the ones, that have not "defiled themselves" with the many "women" congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, worldwide...they are spiritual "virgins," to Jehovah God, and they belong to Him, as His "firstfruits," that "Israel" has refused to give Him, but rather wants to dedicate these news ones, TO THE WTS! This is totally unacceptable to Jehovah God!) -- Revelation 14:1-5

    Everyone else, the world in general, and those JWs that do not put faith in the Message, must wait, wait, for years. They must wait, after the "trampling" is up. Still, they must wait, to see the Unified Congregation of 200 million Gentiles for God's Name gathered and visible...for all to see, the "sign of the Son of Man." -- Matt. 24:30

    In the spring of 2003, you say that a massive persecution of JWs, a trampling will begin and last for 42 months? Do you still believe that only one third of the JWs will repent during this time. If so, does this mean that the JW org. will shrink in size by that much and that they will make significant changes in what they teach in order to be "clean again?"

    They will be a significant break between the 1/3 JWs, and the larger 2/3 JWs, who will "receive the mark of the beast," and follow the WTS into total destruction forever.

    The 1/3 of JWs, is the "woman," that must repent before God. She has refused to get the "mark of the beast," and become instantly, the WTS' enemy. The group divides, while in the wilderness after the governments attack the entire organization as a whole. It is at the point, that the "woman," finally wakes up and begins to see herself in a serious problem. She does not want to get the "mark of the beast," but the WTS advises her to do so. 2/3 will listen to the WTS, and 1/3 will not. The WTS, gets on the back of the "beast," and rides...receives the "mark." The organization splits up into 2 groups, the 1/3, and the larger 2/3 which follows the WTS. The two groups, now become estranged toward each other. Jehovah eventually saves the 1/3, eventually. -- Micah 7:8-10; Zechariah 13:8,9

    Do you still believe that we should go to JW meetings, but you shouldn't?

    For ALL Baptized dedicated JWs, atonement has been made. Since Spring 1998. Thus, they should avail themselves of this privilege, and Covenant arrangement mentioned in Isa. 42:6; 49:8. They should leave "Jerusalem," JW organization of our day, immediately, before "late fall of 2001," following the example of Jesus, as Hebrews 13;13,14 says.

    I'm staying put. This is where God wants me...in the wilderness...a "voice crying out in the wilderness." -- Isaiah 40:3,6,9

    Take Care,


    "Behold it, you scorners, and wonder at it, ...YOU WILL BY NO MEANS BELIEVE even if anyone relates it to you in detail[/b]." -- Acts 13:41[/b]

    Edited by - MDS on 7 February 2001 19:22:3

  • larc

    Thank you for the clarification. I have a fuller understanding of your belief system now.

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