WHAT Kingdom Hall did Ya'll go to?

by thewiz 171 Replies latest jw friends

  • thewiz


    Tal[iban-ana]would be completely within his rights to critisise, make fun of, comment on, any artwork that was part of a greater whole (such as a publication, ie: the WT or Awake).

    Did you miss the boat on this one? I never said he didn't have the right to criticize, or make fun of, or comment on the WTB&TS artwork. But the wholesale pub. of their artwork on his webSite is tantamount to copyright infringement. Did he ask their permission to display and/or pub. their artwork? Well that's what you would need to do.

    My argument with Taliban-ana is that s/he criticizes the WTB&TS for stealing Squibbs intellectual property rights and then s/he does the same thing in turn to the WTB&TS. Rips them off!!!

    Taliban-ana isn't so much concerned with the issue of stealing intellectual property, s/he's ONLY concerned that it's the WTB&TS doing it to Squibb.

    Hey Taliban-ana you might want to correct SixofNine's spelling too, or do you just brow-beat the peoples spelling who don't agree with you?

    Oh that's right, you use spelling and grammar as a weak attempt to discredit ONLY the people who don't agree with you or kiss your most worshipful ass.

  • LDH

    Well, SOMEONE sure woke up with the wrong burkha on today, LOL.

    Tally, That's why I choose not to answer these types of posts. Some of us still have relatives in, and care has to be taken not to have family relationships broken.


  • SixofNine

    Again, wizzer, your ignorance is not evidence of Tally's wrongdoing.

    He is not violating copyright law.

    Did he ask their permission to display and/or pub. their artwork? Well that's what you would need to do.

    No, you're misinformed. If you want to understand, go read the copyright law.

    How exactly do you propose that Tally criticise WT art w/o showing us what he want us to be critical of? How can he make fun of it w/o showing what is funny about it?

    PS. It's kinda sleazy of you to make fun of me for my spelling. I was dropped on my head as a child. How would you like it, asshole?

  • Tallyman

    Again, wizzer, your ignorance is not evidence of Tally's wrongdoing.
    He is not violating copyright law.

    Did he ask their permission to display and/or pub. their artwork? Well that's what you would need to do.


    No, you're misinformed. If you want to understand, go read the copyright law.

    How exactly do you propose that Tally criticise WT art w/o showing us what he want us to be critical of? How can he make fun of it w/o showing what is funny about it?


    we've got Wizzy all in a Dizzy Tizzy over this copyrite thang.

    I've offered to let him 'Turn Me In' to his brother-in-law at Bethel,
    to report me to the theokratic authorities for "copy-wronging" them...
    but so far, he hasn't taken me up on my offer.

    Schmaybe he doesn't want his Brudder-in-law to know he's participating
    in this Aposto-Web-Forum, or sumpin'.

    I'm here just waiting for the Watchtower Suits to come get me,
    and take me to court, charge me with breaking Watchtowerlaw,
    and we can get all this information and all these Watchtower images
    ON THE PUBLIC RECORD... so as to give all of it maximum coverage.

    But alls Wizzy can do is grumble.

    Hey Six, did you catch WHICH Kingdom Hall Wizzy went to (or GOES to)?

    I didn't.

    LOve, Tallyman

  • thewiz


    Is that what do you when someone doesn't agree with you? You continually harass them and provide insult after insult? Then of course, as I said before your intent is apparently malicious.
    It's apparent to me that your desire is to cause me some kind of harm.

    I have demonstated more than once on these boreds, which many deny, that if someone doesn't like another, threats are made to out them or harm them in some way.

    You must be a real bully. Do you beat someones face into a bloody pulp until they agree with you.

    Why is it so important for you, that you must brow-beat me until I agree with you?

    I don't give a shit who you are? You've made a statement, I replied, and exposed you for the hypocrite you are.

  • Tallyman
    Do you beat someones face into a bloody pulp until they agree with you.

    Oh YEah! Wizzy! That's EXACTLY what I do!


    My bet is that once this is over with...
    YOU won't be eating any more Ass-Flavored Bananas!

    LOve, Tallyman

  • Tinkerbell4125

    *Peeking head around corner, trying to miss the swings!!!*

    Anyone go to the Lebanon or Smithville Hall in Tennessee??? Tink =;o)

  • SixofNine

    For all those from the Fresno CA area, does anyone know Steve and Lisa Koch, and son Ethan?

  • Kismet

    Hey Tink!!!

    I didn't attend there but I knew some in Smithville as well as Sparta Tenn. congregations.

    Drop me a line if you so desire and we can compare notes.

    [email protected]


  • TexSham

    Garland, Dallas, Denton

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