Chef Gordon Ramsay to meet with Governing Body.

by DATA-DOG 12 Replies latest jw friends


    LOL!! Can you imagine Gordon Ramsay cleaning up the WTBTS!!?? I used to hate Gordon, at least I thought I did. Then I realized that I had never really watched one complete episode of any of his shows. So I gave him a chance. Now I love him. As I was watching, I imagined the hell that he could unleash in any back room of a KH.

    Their kangaroo court would be dismantled in quick order. Haughty Elders, caught up in their own personas would be reduced to crying, quivering masses of what they believed they were. Gordon would cut through their BS like a Wusthof slicing through a lamb chop!! All their deflecting, all the attempts to justify their dysfuntional, harmful behavior would not phase him one bit.

    It made me realize how terrified the GB must be of the Justice system. They would be ripped apart! No wonder they do all they can to stay out of the court room. They even deny their own existence!

    We see through their subterfuge, and most of us are not experts at interrogation. So can you imagine a guy like Gordon Ramsay being put in charge of an interrogation invoving the WTBTS leadership? A guy who wants the truth, has no fear of these men, and will not stop until he gets it?!

    Sounds Awesome!!

  • usualusername

    Gordon Ramsay is a lying limited talented celebrity/cook.

    His company is in debt and he sleeps around.

    He only become brand thanks to his father-in-law and then sacked him.

    On second thoughts maybe he is perfect to meet the GB. They would appoint him.


    Well, like I said, I have watched very few shows. I cannot claim to know anything about him, or his personal life. I do like the way he stands up to people who deny, deny, deny.. The evil part of me would buy tickets to that show!

    You may be on to something! If he is going broke, the GB may appoint hire him! I hope they are not reading this!

  • mP

    Gordon Ramsay is a lying limited talented celebrity/cook.

    His company is in debt and he sleeps around.


    So what if he sleeps around, so did King David and Abraham and Jehovah loved them mucho bueno.

  • Glander

    He's a total prick in my opinion. I have watched a few episodes of his show where he goes in to shape up a troubled restaurant. I can't watch him anymore. He thinks he invented being a rude bully. Boring.


    Maybe I just felt evil last night......

    animated gif

  • cedars

    I don't like Gordon Ramsay, but I enjoy watching his shows for pure entertainment value. I often find myself agreeing with his observations, but his attitude leaves much to be desired.



    So is there a nice version of Gordon Ramsay? LOL!! I guess that's what I liked about him too. He saw through the junk, stayed on task, and did not let anyone change the subject or make excuses. When he detected BS, he called them on it. I was just wishing I could walk in an Elder's meeting and make them see TTATT.

  • besty

    please try and keep your subject lines factual or indicate they are fiction eg

    "Can you imagine Gordon Ramsay meeting the GB?"

    helps everyone on here filter the crap if the subject line is accurate



    Sorry Betsy. I figured it was pretty absurd and would be taken as fiction. Good point though.

    Mods, you can erase it if you want.

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