The Time is More Important than Results

by OnTheWayOut 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Good Morning OTWO!..

    I`ve driven though small Canadian towns 1st thing in the early morning,heading for the city..

    JW`s are out in full force on the street corners,both of them..

    With nothing but a dog heading home and my truck going down the road in sight..

    All they can do is count time,Nobody`s there..

    ...........................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    If this world was really facing an imminent catastrophe, like the JWs are supposed to believe, then they would need to use more effective means of warning the public than standing on an empty street with a couple of magazines at some impossibly early time of the morning.

    They would instead more likely be using similar methods to those used by our local emergency services whenever there is a bushfire alert;

    - i.e. Warnings firstly broadcast over the Radio and TV, then evacuation warnings sounded out from the loud hailers on the emergency service vehicles.

    This, too, is what would be done if any other imminent catastrophe was really going to happen:

    - resorting to any other means of sounding a "warning" is an admission by default that the event you are warning about is not actually going to happen after all!


  • OnTheWayOut

    I said this one before, but it fits here again.

    One of the saddest ones is the tropical island my wife's friend lives on. We had to take a ferry from the other island to get there. She was sitting on a bench in the middle of the little park square with her pioneer friends. The bench in the middle is the most shady, but virtually nobody walks by it. So lots and lots of people are walking by 20 yards away or more, but are not going up to the bench. Three pioneers sit there with mags. on their laps talking to each other.

    We approached them and they bragged about how early they got there to find a great free parking space and to get the best spot on that bench.

  • Apognophos

    That's not so sad. The best part about service was getting to chat with another Witness who you had something in common with. It only seems sad if one believes that JWs are actually in a life-saving work. What would be sad is if she was all alone with no one to chat with :)

  • OnTheWayOut

    This week one morning at 7:05 am, I saw them out in force again. There were 3 groups of 4 all walking about a block apart from each other. All 3 groups were on the north side (the sunny side) of a street heading east.

    The odd thing was that there was a line of people on the south side of the street, maybe 50 people or more. They weren't homeless people, but they were men and women, some with children. I think they were waiting for some program to open up later. It may have been a faith-based program to give away something. It may not have been faith-based. There just wasn't any clue.

    So here was a captive public. These people were going to stay in line. At least one group of JW's could have crossed that street to talk to them. But it was clear that the JW's across the street were all walking past them in a way that avoided them.

  • Apognophos

    What good Samaritans

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