really glad that someone has asked the question , are we all thinking that we wished we had asked , I am !.I have wondered about this as I have once tried to get JWS to say that I must be lying when they were horrified that I said that the " should you believe " booklet was just aload of lies .
I said" well one of us , me or the booklet , is true which is it ? " hoping that they would say the booklet ,implying that I was the lier . . The cunning plan then was to challenge them to prove that . They didn't fall for it which made wonder if they had been told not to get into a situation like that where truth had to be verified .
I also said once that I would happily stand in the middle of the road and shout that the same booklet was a load of lies , cus I knew that the Watchtower would at least be reluctant to take any action for reasons mentioned in other posts . Again no takers , so are they briefed not to get into a situation like that cus the GB know that it might make them ask awkward questions ?
I do also use more subtle methods to try to help JW realise TTATT , I am not always so hot headed , just tried shock tactics those times , but alas they didn't work .