I need some help ! (live in London)

by caath 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tater-T

    have a good weekend..

    sorry you felt disrespected.. think about they way you felt here .. the next time you are at a door disrespecting someone else for their religion or beliefs


    JW's are very arrogant to think they have the Truth and can't even hold it up it to critical thinking..

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    You know, Cath..this site started as a discussion-board for active JW's. But being able to talk about doctrine anonumous and to pose dificult question made a lot of people rethink the doctrine/organisation.

    Yue are free to pose any questions here, and I think it would be a good idea doing that before a baptism. You know what the consequences might be if you discover some facts after your baptsm.

    I hope you will find a room to rent i London. I think there are some Londoners here. I also hope that you can find a good job in London.

  • cedars


    i expect at least respect my decisions and mi religion

    We wouldn't be trying to help you get out of a cult if we didn't have respect and concern for you. Most of us have already been on the journey you are now embarking on. If you don't enjoy listening to advice, or a difference of opinion, then maybe internet forums are not for you - period.


  • caath

    tater-t use the google traductor what im going to write:

    Eu respeito as pessoas e aquilo que li no link que me deste, eu até penssei que fosse alguma piada porque nem eu nem a minha congregação tratamos as pessoas dessa forma! eu demoro muito tempo a escrever em inglês por isso é melhor escrever em português e vocês traduzem

    Vou ter que ir embora do computador para almoçar

  • Tater-T

    The link does poke fun at the Truth.. but it is true in what JWs really feel.. I know I was one.. If you don't think watchtower doctrine teaches that everyone but witnesses will be destroyed in Armagedeon.. then you haven't been listening.. if you don't think going door to door is saving lives .. then you haven't been listening..

    If you do believe all that ..then you better make sure it's the Truth before you commit yourself to the organization , because that is .. what baptism is, for the watchtower..dediction to Jehovah and his org .. look it up ..they don't baptise in the name of Father Son and Holy Spirit.. why not , are they really following the bible or men

    just remember to serve god not an organisation

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    I think you are right in that way, Cath. Most JW's should hide their beliefs for the housholder when getting such question. Maybe they would come with a little white lie..for not appearing so rude. Most JW knows that they cannot be that honest and outspoken at doors.

    But, nevertheless...when it deals about beliefs/dogma, the "brother" in the dialogue represents watchtower doctrine. The humour in it is that he is to honest in his responses, and thereby makes a foll of himself.

  • mouthy

    Hello!!!! I hope you can go to London also. But before you do go I would ask Jehovahs,SON >Jesus Christ
    to guide you, remember that God said we MUST listen to the son....HE is the way truth life.
    I made 10 people Jehovahs Witnesses....Then I learned that we must not listen to ANY man,Only
    the one that came from Heaven >Jesus...Do you read in the Watchtower where the Faithful & discreet
    slave have admitted they have made mistakes????Jan 1st 2013....So get on your knees & ask Jesus to come
    into YOUR Heart,He will help you,listen to HIS voice ..

    I am the Granny on board,,,I will say this prayer for you

    "DEar Jehovah I come before your throne ,You know caath,please touch him ,let him really
    KNOW YOU!!!!Let him read again where you told us to follow the SON! Jesus. & Jesus told us
    LOVE one another EVEN our enemies ,And you know God that in our religion ( Jehovahs Witnesses)
    we are taught that if some one leaves the faith we must shun them,not love them anymore. So please
    Jah show caath that YOU are NOT that kind of God. You gave us brains to THINK ,so please guide him

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Bem-vindo. Eu era uma Testemunha de Jeová de 27 anos. Eu era nascido e levanta um. Fui batizado na idade de 13. As pessoas neste site estão agora livres do seu controle. Alguns mais do que outros. Estou aqui porque eu percebi que eu estava sendo mentiu para toda minha vida. Espero que você pense criticamente as suas crenças e venha conhecer a verdade que ensinam não é o que você pensa. Boa sorte na sua jornada.

    In English I wrote:

    Welcome. I was a Jehovah's Witness for 27 years. I was born and raises one. I was baptized at the age of 13. People on this site are now free of their control. Some more fully than others. I am here because I realized I was being lied to all my life. I hope that you think critically of their beliefs and come to know the truth they teach isn't what you think. Good luck on your journey.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    10 years ago I could never translate anything with ease....Thank you GOOGLE

  • Cagefighter

    Well, that certainly was interesting....

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