Okay, so the JWs (and my mom) would be so happy if I started going to meetings again. Why would they be? I've made it clear I don't believe what they say so why would they care if I went to meetings? Do they want me to go meetings and be an open dissenter? I can see if I was a fader or something but I've made my viewpoints pretty clear. I do not believe anything the WT says. Why would they want to see me at meetings?
What do they want from me?
by MrFreeze 31 Replies latest jw friends
Theocratic Sedition
They miss you.............................handling the microphones.
Do they want an apostate handling the microphones?
return of parakeet
They want to believe that a thinking brain can be shut down if exposed to enough WTS indoctrination at meetings.
Braindead dubs don't understand that once one awakens, the game is over.
parakeet speaks truth!
I got a tattoo on Saturday. I'm still wondering what my mom's reaction will be whenever/if she sees it.
Last time I did parking out at Coraopolis I'm pretty sure it was below zero with the wind chill.
Because you have left it has created uncertainty in the minds of those still attending the KH, and maybe they briefly wonder whether you are right. If you go back everyone will be happy again, as they won't have to think those bad thoughts, with all that doubt & uncertainty. Hey, thinking is hard work!
Did you make sizable donations regularly? Perhaps after you left, they noticed the monthly donations were down?
transhuman, who wants to think when you can have some old crusty men think for you in New York?
ruderedhead, I NEVER made donations. However, I was a regular pioneer, ministerial servant up until the day I told the elders I wasn't coming back.