yes it possible to be reprogrammed into the cult. That is why I try reading the literature because I believe for all of us on this forum.That tha watchtower can suck us right back in.
What do they want from me?
by MrFreeze 31 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, shamefully I think it could be possible to be sucked back in. It's why I can never just see them as a joke.
There is something malevolent in their whole operation, the manipulation of people's psyche.
That circular reasoning, it's like a vortex that could suck you in, that's why I could never go anywhere near a meeting.
luckily I'm not welcome!
Obviously they think if you attend the meetings, magically all your objections will be overcome and you will be brainwashed back in to the Borg. That is what happened to my sister. In her case she never really researched the lies of the Watchtower, she was not interested in "apostate sites" , but she believed the Watchtower lied. She was blackmailed into going back to get access to her grandchildren, and now she is a full fledged kool-aid drinker. She said she would never shun me, but now she is shunning me. It's sad, but her choice.
Knowledge is power. If you know how cult mind control works you will not be sucked back in, you will see the manipulations or what they are.
Gotta agree with LisaRose, if you leave for reasons other than waking up to the BS, then it is very possible to get sucked back in.
I left because I found out how dishonest the religion is. If I were ever to go back, I would have to be lying to myself and everyone at the KH. There's no way you can undo TTATT.
The people who learn and accept TTATT never go back because they suddenly believe the doctrine again. They go back for things like family and friends or to find a place where they can find a social circle.
MRFREEZE- Your mom and other JW's who know you are TOTALLY mind controlled and duped into believing that you will allegedly " die " at Armageddon if you don't start going back to meetings. They REALLY believe in this crap. So your mom may have a good, pure motive- but she's as mind controlled and fooled by the WT Society scams an unfulfilled expectations as other JW's are.
My 80 something year old mom is the same way. One time when she was doped up on pain killers and dad had givn her a drink or two - she told my wife Mrs. Flipper on the phone, " nothing would please me more than if Mr. Flipper came back to the " truth " and brought you with him. " Of course, that ain't gonna happen - EVER . But they are just so fooled themselves into believing the WT Society is right - they can't or are unable to comprehend that it's all just a scam and they are being taken for a ride. And my mom knows and is aware of my anti-JW views too- I think they just bury their heads in the sand like ostriches ignoring the facts. Just stand your groud with your mom, I do that as well. Peace out, mr. flipper
My mom is sad I don't attend because she "won't see me in the new system" and that makes her very sad. Going to the meeting, being a Jehovah's witness, going door to door. None of that will save you! Only believing in Jesus sacrifice and being covered in his blood will work...but they don't see that...going tot the meeting and listening to the "great and powerful faithful and discreet slave" will make any difference!
Reopened Mind
You can't unring a bell and you can't unlearn "the truth about the truth".
Your mom should be pleased that you came to "an accurate knowledge of truth". (tongue in cheek)
But that doesn't answer your question. What they want from you is your life, your devotion, your youthful strength, all your resources, your worship, your mind, and everything else that you think belongs to you. But you are far too intelligent for that nonsense. You have your freedom of mind and integrity intact. Wish TotallyADD and I could have said that at your age.
Reopened Mind
I had that line as well from well meaning family........."So pleased that you go to some meetings , don't lose touch" (I have only gone along to help a wife who appreciates a helping hand with things due to her health)
Now the Borg teaches them that a do-nothing seat filler like me can only expect a horrible slaughter, come the big A day, but they still seem to think that I am sort of with them..... Perhaps they hope that I will hear a talk that is so wonderfully delivered that I will turn around and change my way of thinking???
They're all about the white-washed graves. The outer appearance is the only thing that matters.
Your coming back would make a really good 'experience' to share at the next assembly.