I called the police.

by LouBelle 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    I stay at my grandmother's house and pay a little rent to her (R500) as it is all I can afford. I do however buy and take care of all my own food, washing etc.

    This morning at 6 am, my bedroom door opend, slammed shut, heard the key turn a couple of times, open and slam shut again. I woke up with a fright as that has never happened....first thought is someone is in the house. However it was my grandfather - he came into my room uninvited and stole my bedroom door key.

    Unfortunately my grandfathe and I do not get along, well he doesn't get along with anyone. I asked him for the key back as I keep my room locked so he can't intefere with my stuff, plus my dad's safe is in my dresser. The man launched into a violent attack. I though he was going to punch / hit / attack me. He called me all sorts of filty names from C**T to whore to b*tch - you name it. I kept so calm and explained that if he needs access to the room (the electric board is in my room) he need only ask and I will grant him access. That sent him into another verbal barrage of abuse screaming it was his house (which it's not) and then more filthy expletives.

    This is not the first time it's happened with me or his other tennant, who he actually did punch. My grandfather has a history of violence, beating his wife and children.

    I called the police and laid a complaint. They advised me to get the court to grant a protection order against him and open up a case file. I cannot move out as I have no where to go. I will be opening up that case file.....just in case he does get it in his head to personally harm me while I sleep.

    Actually - I could put a lock on the inside of them room - that is what I'll do, so at least when I'm in my room I can still lock it - knowing him though he'd bash the door down - he's mentally unstable.

  • Iamallcool

    Get this door stopper

  • sabastious

    Sounds like a problem that a bottle of pepper spray would solve.


  • Tiktaalik

    Sorry to hear this LouBelle. I hope you are OK. That's a terrible thing to go through.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    How awful to not feel secure in your own home.

    Is there a support group for victims of violence near you who could offer advise and practical help? His behaviour is not acceptable.


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Oh, LouBelle, what a fright! Does your Grandma know? Your Mom? Were you able to get your key back? Does anyone know what he does in the house, when you aren't there? Has he been diagnosed with Dementia? Is your Grandma going to help you, so you feel secure to sleep in their house? Now I'm going to be worried about you. Keep us posted.

    Just Lois

  • LouBelle

    Lois - My mother and father were there and heard him screaming - it's a big house with other cottages on it and my mum is in one of them. My gran - has just come out of the hospital after surgery and is in a lot of pain - the poor woman.

    My grandfather does not have dementia - he is just a horrible horrible man.

    Tiktaalik - I am ok. This may sound horrible, but I felt good about calling the police - it let him know that I am not going to take that kind of abuse and I'm not afraid to act.

    lamallcool - I like!

    I am very proud that I remained so calm. We have had fights before and I screamed back, this time though there was such a calm, but that seemed to only infuriate him more. He may be an old man - 82 or so - but he is extremely strong and fit - you would never ever say he was that old.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Jeepers, LouBelle! I think that door stopper is a really good idea! And good for you not responding in kind and calling the police.

  • Splash

    You could lock it with your key and leave the key in the lock, turned so it can't be pushed out from the other side.

    Or you could wait until he comes in one night when you are in bed, then belt him round the head with something heavy - say you woke with a start and thought you were being attacked. Bullies don't like it back at them.


  • Pickler

    Loubelle, you are brave, grandfather or not, he's got no right to come into your room like that. I hope by your going to the police that he gets the message!

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