One thing to keep in mind is that Jesus sent out TEN SLAVES to do business until he came. Only one of those ten ended up being the "evil slave." The evil slave is the WTS. But that means many other "ministries" are producing the right kind of fruitage for the kingdom, and it also means being a JW is not the only way to potentially get into the kingdom.
so Christ is reaping in many different places, not just from the WTS, out of which there is a "little flock" which he harvests, meaning the majority of the witnesses are not qualified or chosen for the kingdom. But of that "little flock" out of the WTS, he says: "I have OTHER SHEEP NOT OF THIS FOLD...." meaning, again, Christ gathers his sheep in various places under different ministries. The number "ten" per even the witnesses represents "earthly completeness" and thus is not literal but symbolic of the whole number of different "ministries" from which the elect are selected.
So fine for her she choose the WTS for whatever reasons -- but that is just one slave out of many others where Christ is gathering his elect. The idea that some other ministry or religion will produce some of the elect and that JWs are not the ONLY true religion, just doesn't do it for them.
But ask a JW about who the TEN SLAVES are! Anyone can see this means more than one ministry going on. They call the GB the "faithful and discreet slave" so it is not difficult to see how each "slave" has his own ministry, and each produces accordingly!