I certainly don't think Candace Conti went in to this with, or even now has, the motive of bringing down the WT.
She herself was willing to take a paltry, token sum in damages if the arrogant WT would simply guarantee to change their ways on Abuse within its ranks.
The WT refused to give any such guarantee, so she went ahead with her case, looking to force them to change, and with the possible benefit that others would seek and get justice, because of her courage.
I too hope, and trust, that the WT is not successful in burying this case, and more importantly that they are made to change there practice and procedures, and that they implement a proper working programme to protect the young and the vulnerable in all circumstances within their purview.
At present they love to hide behind "We have an evolving protection policy", in other words they are re-writing something, mere words on a piece of paper, and also hide behind "it is the parents primary responsibility to protect blah blah " as though that takes away any responsibility on their part.
At least the RC Church is doing something to prevent future evil, and has also apologised.
The arrogant W.T cares only about covering over its own culpability. It cares not one bit for the poor victims, past, present and future.
Heartless money-grubbing bastards.