New Pope about to come out

by new22day 303 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FlyingHighNow

    turn attempt 4

  • FlyingHighNow

    Phew. No more simple cut and paste from Catholic Answers at Catholic dot com.

  • soontobe

    You can be queer as folk and receive Communion. Being homosexual isn't a sin in the Catholic Church. Having a porn addiction isn't a sin. Having a hankering to drop a nuclear payload into your buddy's wife isn't a sin. Fucking loving cocaine isn't a sin. Prefering to leave the toilet seat up or not wiping it isn't a sin. Wanting to take a lead pipe to your boss' brain box isn't a sin. Being alcoholic isn't a sin either. And even if you screw up, there's Reconciliation on Saturday. All you gotta do is mean it.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Still Thinking. I'm disappointed. Maybe we got so close to agreeing that we threw the universe out of alignment.


  • FlyingHighNow

    It's really a matter of technicalities. Or semantics. We said that JWs and the RCC considers homosexuality a sin. We know that it's the practice of it that is considered sinful and that is what we mean when say that it is considered sinful. JW's know that it is the practice of it and not the individual with the feelings that is sinful. I'm sure the average Catholic knows that. (KNows that their churches teach that it is the practice that is sinful, not the individuals.)

    I think you missed my point, SoonToBe. Still Thinking was quoting me and it was in the context of me saying that that neither the JWs nor the RCC encourage of hatred of homosexuals. I am very sleepy and apologize for any run on sentences or things that still don't make sense.

  • soontobe

    The previous thread page is a mess. Proof that the Catholic Church is trying to corrupt this site.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Or was it Sulla? I'm too tired to remember who got upset with still over something he thought she said, but was actually a quote from me that was unclear due to semqntics and maybe a rin on sentence. Or typing in the dark while asleep.

  • new22day

    Thanks Flying High Now for bumping us off that scrolly page. I think you two were in agreement for a while! I was reading between the lines. :)

    Still Thinking "Does one person's comfort and culture override the underlying detriment to society and many individuals? Does the continued bigotted belief about homosexuals and women not matter when we are finding personal comfort within it's framework?

    These are some main reasons why religion doesn't fit for me. I was sent to a Christian college (against my will - LOL) for a few months for a math class and we were required to take bible studies. As a female I was dumfounded regarding the gender roles and expecations to be submissive. I figured God gave me a brain and if HE/SHE didn't want me to use it, why make me this way. I spent much time arguing with the father who taught the class. Cause I wasn't going to follow/submit - not my nature. So I made an easy personal choice, which anyone can make, to not particpate. Religion doesn't speak to me but the postive spiritual aspects I appreciate..

    But check out this website for LGBT Catholics called Dignity

    These believers want reform from within.

    LGBT Catholics offer Prayers, Caution for New Pope

    Boston, MA, March 13, 2013. DignityUSA Executive Director Marianne Duddy-Burke has made the following statement on the election of Pope Francis:

    “We join our fellow Catholics in praying for the ministry and leadership of Pope Francis. We applaud the cardinals for their recognition of the rising energy of the Catholic Church in the global South and the new possibilities and perspectives that may come from that region.

    We are encouraged by Pope Francis’ clear commitment to the poor, and to the social justice tradition at the heart of our faith. At the same time, we acknowledge that as archbishop and cardinal the man who is now Pope Francis has made some very harsh and inflammatory statements about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. We recognize that sometimes this new job on which he embarks can change the man called to it. We call on our new Pope to recognize that he is now head of a Church that includes a huge number of LGBT people, their families and friends around the world. We invite him to take the time to learn about our lives, our faith, and our families before he makes any papal pronouncements about us, and we stand ready to enter into dialogue with him at any time.”


    Still Thinking "WTS too which is arguably no where near as extensive as the Catholic church?."
    How do you know that? The cover ups are just starting to come out now. JWS have no idea how rampant abuse is in the org. because it's been swept under the rug and there's fear to talk about it.
    The RCC has a lot to answer for on chld abuse. It's up to followers to walk away or be vocal about this and demand change.

    Anyhow I've lost the point of the discussion? Are you arguing that the RCC is the worst, or are they (JWs) equally bad?

    I think everyone has agreed the orgs overall have major problems, including corruption.

    (This is my last post for the day)
    Thanks for the convo

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Or was it Sulla? I'm too tired to remember who got upset with still over something he thought she said, but was actually a quote from me that was unclear due to semqntics and maybe a rin on sentence. Or typing in the dark while asleep.

    It was Catholic smurfs...little buggers! They infected the thread with sinful run on. Thats what you get for clicking on their sites...hee hee hee

    Is someone upset with me? LOL

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Anyhow I've lost the point of the discussion? Are you arguing that the RCC is the worst, or are they (JWs) equally bad?

    I think everyone has agreed the orgs overall have major problems, including corruption.

    Well...I wasn't really arguing that one was worse than the other. As you say, the JW's are an unknown quantity when it comes to child abuse. They haven't had as many people take them to court (yet) as the catholic church has. Give it time.

    I said it was arguably worse...and that's because there is more evidence (in the form of actual legal convictions) for the child abuse within the catholic church. But that is all. I don't know if the JW's are equally bad when it comes to child abuse. But it would appear that they could be, because of the systems they have in place to cover it up. Give child molesters the opportunity and they WILL take advantage of it.

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