FHN...on this occasion I find myself in total agreement with you...
Probably why we just had a mild earthquake in Auckland...LOL
by new22day 303 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
FHN...on this occasion I find myself in total agreement with you...
Probably why we just had a mild earthquake in Auckland...LOL
I'm impressed by the Bible scholarship it produces; and if I wasn't an atheist I would be tempted to join, LOL. ....transhuman
Oh..I missed this wee comment of yours trans...all I can say to you is...
Well I did add the LOL!!! I think everybody has a need for acceptance and a sense of belonging to something... whether it is a football club, a darts team... or even... a church (shock, horror) LMAO.
FHN...on this occasion I find myself in total agreement with you...
Probably why we just had a mild earthquake in Auckland...LOL
I did sense a disturbance in the force.
The Wt. GB are taking notes on this new Pope and his PR campaign. If Francis I is successful in getting lapsed Catholics back to the fold we'll see a copycat campaign kick in.
Also, Sulla, I feel bad for your wife.
It might be a mistake, FlyingHighNow, to suppose that my examples are always strictly and literally personal.
Sulla, previous: Since my orientation is toward a sequence of young women, and I can't marry all of them, well, you can see the problem.
Dismissing servant: The problem is that you think monogamous, hetero sex is some sort of fix for the problem. But such a thing is completely unnatural, men have evolved quite differently and have a natural inclination toward a series of young women.
I dont know where you could draw the conclusion that I think "monogamous, hetero sex is some sort of fix" for the way men have evolved. My point is that the teachings of the Church -- when they assert homosexual sex is wrong -- cannot be categorized as "anti-gay" any more than the Church is "anti-hetero" when they say that having hetero sex with people to whom you are not married is wrong. I doubt this point is so subtle that it can't be directly engaged with.Dismissing servant: If you have this insight on human sexuality and it's evolutionary background, why on earh are you defending the churchs wiew of homosexuality?
It may surprise you to reflect on the number of things we are evolved to do on which the Church takes a dim view. Murder, for example, would be considered to be near the top of the list. So, the fact that we have evolved to do something i-- like say, have an inclination to murder people who don't look like us -- sn't really a moral argument, is it?
New22day: Ironically, because the RCC says homosexuality is a sin gays can't marry so therefore don't have the luxury of committing adultery. (LOL)
Gays can't marry for the same reason yu can't make a square triangle
New22dat: Following your train of thought, one could say, murder is a sin but thinking about murder is not a sin. Stealing is a sin but thinking about stealing isn't a sin. Church doesn't approve of murderers or thieves either. I think you're stretching.
The desire to murder someone may be entirely reasonable and is not, itself, a sin. You can't help your feelings, you can help your actions. That's a pretty basic observation, I would think; more: it is the ancient teaching of the Church. So, not really a stretch. More like an accurate example of exactly what the Church teaches.
New22day: Unless of course you're an advocate for repressing natural desires. If that's the case, then I kind of get your point. Just repress yourself and then you're good with the church.I wonder if you think you are being silly. Or perhaps you are really advocating that any natural desire cannot be morally wrong.
It may surprise you to reflect on the number of things we are evolved to do on which the Church takes a dim view.
Why should I care what the Church takes a dim view on?
Francis I press conference with advise to his flock- 'show mercy don't rush to condemn'-
He is under the delusion that the Church is #1.
Gays can't marry for the same reason yu can't make a square triangle...Sulla
Anyone would think that marriage was a purely Catholic institution. I know this may come as a shock...but there are many cultures and religions around the world that define marriage differently to you and your church. And I wouldn't want their religous views defining our rights and laws either.
Just because Catholics don't think gays can marry...means diddly in the real world (outside of their own perculiar belief system)...unless they get involved in politics, as they do. Thats when I really take issue with religion. They need to keep thier noses and bigotry out of other peoples (non catholics) lives and business.
Marriage is a legal contract between two adults. NO religion has no right to stick their beaks in and dictate who can and can't make that contract. It is none of their business.
Of course if catholics want to be dictated to by their church, that's their problem as members of that church. But it shouldn't be ours.