OMG were you in the floods? Bundaberg or thereabouts? Don't tell me if you don't want to 'out' yourself. I live on the Gold Coast by the way.
You make a really good point. Among 'worldly' organisations and workplaces, people take up special collections to help the flood victims. Yet, there's never a collection taken in the KH for the Qld flood victims, like the Macedonians who took up a collection for the famine victims in Jerusalem. If such a collection were taken, I know people would contribute, but the JW leadership does not allow any grassroots action and has instilled a culture of hierarchy in which someone like me wouldn't even think of initiating a collection. The only time I've heard of collections being taken is for elders or pioneers in the local congregation who've been sick and needed operations or expensive treatments.
Whereas the 'world' advertises the need to help the needy and raises funds publically, the JWs only contribute if some announcement from the Branch is read at the Service meeting. Even when the cyclone hit FNQld when I lived up there, and brothers poured in from all over the NQld region, it always went throught the CO and not as a spontaneous outpouring. Mind you, this CO we had in FNQld was a great guy who really did work hard and cared. Of course he dropped dead from a heart attack before his time, because the ones who care always wear out from the hectic pace.
True, spontaneous love has been stripped away from JWs, not because the people don't care, but because love has become institutionalised and now has to go through the 'proper channels'. Human feeling can only now be expressed through the 'proper channels'. Our humanity has been denied us, and that's what I'm discovering.
And when there is love shown to disaster victims, the WTS makes it into a propaganda video to show the suckers how 'loving' the org is, with all these cheesy advertising-type people saying slogans like, "Thanks to being in Jehovah's organisation..." like a commercial for Viagra saying "Thanks to Viagra, my marriage is saved!"
What about the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing?
PS I'm a BIIIIIIIIIG fan of Orwell. Unlike most people who are familiar with George Orwell, I've read more than just Animal Farm and 1984! Not to make anyone feel bad for not reading his other titles, but I wear my Orwell-literacy as a badge of pride.