Yes, but the woman who is quoted at the very beginning is apostate. By reading the article which includes her quotes, one would be letting apostates into his home. It would be no different than having a meal. It's just like the Dateline program - quite simple.
Raphael Aron in The Age newspaper: Jehovah's Witnesses 'a cruel cult'
by WinstonSmith 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You are right as usual Chas, I had forgotten for just a moment that the WT/JW scam is a high-control, mind-control cult.
Most JW's would not read this article, at least not in full, and they would not take on-board its import, they would be justifying each accusation as they read it, and then will discount the whole thing.
That really doesn't matter though, publicity such as this will be protective for the public, especially the vulnerable, which are about the only ones they manage to suck in these days, such poor people are forewarned.
WinstonSmith: As 00DAD would say, "Let's review - it's a cult!"
Ok, if you're gonna' quote me, please get it right!
Let's review: It's a cult!
Is he a same person mentioned bellow??
If so, He was sponsored by the Bethel and was trained to deceive people.
Justitia Themis
JT said on page 2: "Toole," what an appropriate last name. I do wonder, though, whether he said shunning itself was a myth or the extent to which shunning occurs is a myth. Either way, his statement is incorrect.
Aussie Oz said on page 3: Thats a pretty big lie BUT we should be careful...the only quoted word is "Myth" not vincents whole alledged sentance, he may have used the word in any number of contexts.
Apognophos said on page 3: I've been thinking the same as Aussie Oz, that the "myth" quote may be taken out of context. For instance, the original statement may have been that a specific aspect of shunning was a myth. Ask yourselves, is it logical that a lawyer would say something so obviously false, when there's plenty of literature lying around to disprove him? I'm waiting to see if the Society makes a response or tries to clarify what Toole was saying, before coming to any conclusions.
I doubt Toole said shunning itself was a myth. I suspect he was parroting the party line that ‘normal relations remain within the family,’ and was misquoted. It's bad press for the WTBTS regardless.
I posted my story for those who showed an interest in it.
Aunt Fancy
I really wish the news media and government in the US would go after them too. This will be interesting to follow and I hope they lose their tax exempt status along with exposing their lies and practices the most appalling of them being the child abuse in many forms! Their pedofile policy is the worst but when you DF teens it changes their life forever! I have always had a problem with disfellowshipping anyone but the harm it does to children is so disgusting!! If someone is a doing gross since such as child molesting, rape, murder and steeling it is really for the justice system to handle. I think back on the children that this happened to and their lives were a mess. Parents and friends should nurture children, not throw them to the wolves! I don't know if I will ever see the day when this cult is exposed for everyone to see but it sure would bring some satisfaction.
LOL 00DAD. Let's review: You're a hoot!
JWstudy: Yes this the same guy. Became a lawyer with the full support of the bethel. It really shows the double standard of the WTS. Higher education is frowned upon unless it benefits them in some way...
This article will benefit only a few JWs. As soon as I saw the word 'apostate' in the opening paragraph, I thought "most JWs won't read past that." Any who read beyond that will, as Phizzy said, justify the accusations as they go through it. It might get some semiconscious class people asking more questions, they may realise that they are not alone in their doubts, especially as the conscious class are specifically mentioned.
The public who read it might ask their JW neighbour / workmate / relative about it. The JW will says it's all lies. This lends credence to what the article says about JWs not trusting anyone external to them.
Any publicity is good publicity.
Ray Franz called it the Jehovah's Witnesses "great paradox of preaching".
JW claim to be the 'evangelist of the world' who 'let their iight shine' YET practically nobody know the facts about their core doctrines.
So they then go and complain that they are misquoted and misunderstood.It is their own fault.