Good idea, and put in your letter that the shunning you are experiencing from your family is stumbling you from ever returnign to the JW's because you thought love was an identifying mark of Christians, and the Bible says that a person who doesn't care for their family (and I think that means emotionally too) is worse than a person without faith.
My decision about "family shunning"
by Gojira_101 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm done with WTBT$ dictating all of our lives
Good for you!
Quit playing by THEIR rules!
Thank you all for your comments and the suggestions. I'm not sure when I will get to writing my grandma, I'm still trying to figure out what to exactly say to her, and what route, I want to take with her.
Here are some of the thoughts I have, so I'd welcome any suggestions, thoughts...etc.
Should I try to add more TTATT in my letter?
Subtly attack WT doctrine (meaning, I don't agree with the whole shunning policy)?
Should I say how well I've been doing since leaving WT? I feel close to Christ, I'm "witnessing" to people (witnessing more to tha fact trying to tell as many people as I can that WT isn't the true religion and is a cult)?
Or should I just start with a card saying "I love you and I'm not going to stop talking to you even though you are shunning me"
So this is where I'm at for the moment. Any other idea's?
Gojira_101, I would suggest just buying your grandma a nice "thinking of you" card with a pretty picture on the front and write a few simple words letting her know you are OK and hope she is too. Sign it with love and kisses and post it.
No long letters at this stage, and certainly no mention of WT doctrines or any mention of the "shunning" word. Just a short and sweet sentiment sent with love. I don't see how anyone could take offence at that.
Good luck and let us know how you get on
I decided the same thing. My 83-year-old mother lives 5000 miles away from me (with my very hard-nosed brother), so it's not like she has a way of finding out if I'm okay. I decided to be merciful. Every few months I send her a letter just to let her know I'm okay and what's going on in my life. I've been doing it for 8 years. About 5 years ago she actually wrote back to me! In her letter she told me that I'm old enough to know what I want, just be careful. She's never written again. I suspect my brother found out that she had answered me and freaked out.
Thank you Ambersun for the idea, I was thinking of doing that also. And also I was going to give her some info about how happy we all are...nothing to in your face, but you can still be happy outside of WT.
Cobaltcupcake: I'm glad you still let her know you are alive. And it is hard when you have a hard nose in the family who monitors everything. I think with my grandma, it's my aunt who is doing most of the shunning, but since grandma lives with her, grandma can't do anything on her own.
I'll see how it goes, I'm going to pick up a card in the next day or so.
Hi Gojira_101, Go for it and take control away from the WTBTS. Also, send lots of pictures of you and your family having fun with your cards. Showing unconditional love may be the best way to counter act the WTBTS's mind control of JWs for numerious reasons.
Have you thought about setting up a Facebook account with lots of pictures of you and your family and sending the link to all your relatives? If you can like books and weblinks on Facebook, I would like a couple that might peak the curiousity of your JW relatives and friends too.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
You are brave and clean hearted and instead of being bitter
you are conquering evil with your goodness and love.
With your approach nothing but happiness can come of it.
Your scary aunt is my guess a miserable person who
in fact probably scares easily when questioned by an authority figure.
Your scary aunt's hate filled attitude will destroy her health gradually,
I have seen this with some very mean spirited JW people.
I am a grandmother and I think what you are planning is wonderful
for your grandmother, very kind, she will appreciate it I am sure.
Aunt Fancy
Good for you!! You never know what sending a loving card will do. You set the right example and no one can ever say you deserted your grandmother. I too doubt your aunt would bother with going to court over cards. You have to live with your conscience and I agree, don't let the WTS dictate how you are going to act. They are a bunch of unloving jerks, that is putting it mildly.
Aunt Fancy
If I were in your situation I would keep it loving and kind at this point. If you start to give her some TTATT you might shut her down where she won't read it because you want to gain her trust and you want her to read them. I would also read the Steve Hassen books before you go beyond loving cards so you know how the best way to handle it and that way you might get some results. Take it slowly for now.