Welcome! Awesome to have you. I'm a lot like you in many ways. New here too... Great post I feel like it could have been written for me. I'm in the beginning of a fade and fading too fast as I'm getting hounded. Ugh. Oh well, will slow it down some.
new member- my story
by AndDontCallMeShirley 80 Replies latest jw experiences
Welcome to the board and thank you for your well-written clinical critique of the JW religion. Words can't describe my contempt for this loveless, black-hole. In my opinion, it is just a cheap knock-off of other religions.
I could relate to your anger especially when I found out about their appalling history. I also thought that "generation" teaching was ridiculous but the 1995 version really did it for me. It was truly OVER in my mind and I should have walked out then.
You are also SO right when you say they are spiritual despots. I was also appalled and shocked to see they seem to have set themselves above Jesus! I wonder if they even believe in the true God, much less fear him, to be so bold and nervy!
I am glad you escaped and, like me, feel a great weight lifted from your shoulders !!!
never a jw
Welcome Not Shirley. Never walked in your shoes, but I know the WT doctrine and history better than the elders of your last congregation. Be certain that I feel your pain. Look forward to your posts.
Open mind
Excellent post Surely.
"And this is the way the current generation stays, eventually dying of old age, and a new generation gets suckered in: cognitive dissonance and a brain that has been in suspended animation due to an official ban on critical thinking."
So very sad yet true.
WOW! What a spot on rant! Look forward to hearing more from you...
Oh, and welcome!
Wow just finished reading your post. Welcome aboard
Welcome! Your first post was awesome- a very succinct summary of the major points that would cause any thinking person to question JWs if given the tiniest opportunity. How did you do your fade? What was/is your family's reaction?
Aunt Fancy
Welcome! I enjoyed your story and look forward to hearing more from you.
mind blown
Awesome post! Welcome
Black Sheep
Better late than never, my friend. Welcome to the forum.
3rd gen, produced a 4th gen, myself.
Now watching old time JWs denying what was taught in their youth as they go to their deathbeds and watch their partners die to be resurrected to lives of eternal celibacy in Jehovah's happy La La Land where a quick snog behind the bike sheds with their former marriage mates of decades could end with eternal death for both of them as a result of their lust for their, now, perfect, prime of life, beautiful, sexy, spunky, better than ever, bodies.
Cheers for St. Patrick's Day