Nice thread and worth a read ....
new member- my story
by AndDontCallMeShirley 80 Replies latest jw experiences
My story is similar. I think we are kindred spirits. I admire people who have the capacity to wake up, come out from under the spell, etc. I think they have some kind of inner strength and goodness that asleep JWs don't have. I think they also are just more intelligent.
Found Sheep
Nice post I always love to hear of "in in" ones getting out. Most of the ones I still love are in that catigory. You never know what may wake someone
After a year has passed ... this thread is still inspiring,
confirming and freeing.
Unlike wt crap that is made up to push & poke the R&F
into attending meetings & ASSemblies ... then to be
discarded apostate fodder a few mths later!
Then more "truths" are pulled out of their collective asses
and the game continues on!
DontCallMeShirley luv ya guy!
Very good and well written story. Glad you're here you have helped me loads and make me laugh.
Kate xx
Thanks everyone for your comments and for occasionally resurrecting my story on this thread. I'm glad my story resonates with members here and hopefully it has, or will, help those struggling with their lives in regard to WT.
I appreciate all of you very much...
I discover your story only now. Very interresting.
And you are the living proof than, even the guy the more Jdub on earth, the one that everybody think he's "in" until the neck and it's impossible he think one second to look at another thing that the voice of the GB, can open his eyes one day.
It's a very heartwarming story for all those, like me, who have Jdub around them
how is your family handling you not attending meeting and all that? Surely someone has noticed by now?
Wow. I hope ceders or jwstruggle ask u for an interview. -
how is your family handling you not attending meeting and all that?
At first they were upset but didn't say anything. One member approached me with the intent of persuading me to change my thinking and become active again. His view was that I am nothing more than a bitter JW who was blaming god for men's mistakes and that I had been influenced by "apostate" propaganda- lies.
Once I showed him what I had discovered about WT, which is why I quit being active, from its own literature, he couldn't argue with me. In fact, he was in shock. That day was the day he began his exit, too!
I have no contact with any of my still-in JW relatives. They are too busy being JWs to even know what's going on in my life, whicj is fine by me. They are some of the most judgmental, hypocritical, loveless people I know (good JWs), and my life has been more peaceful than ever once they disappeared.