Circuit Oversears treated like gods...did this happen in your Hall!!!

by Witness 007 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AuntConnie

    Why do you think my husband has been working his ass off for years, he will be a circuit overseer in less than three years! Did you think it was the pay we are striving for? There is only one reason to endure the ass kissing, money giving and days of slavery to the RGB.

    The tree Ps, Prestige, prominence and praise is what we all desire inside, if only my hubby had a ring people could kiss when he ascends into the Circuithood, the friends bascially worship us and I enjoy receiving their adulation. Did you actually think we did this for noble and aiding the friends? What if the Society found out many of our friends in high places have doubts and bite their teeth to avoid being disconnected from the "Source"?

    We don't have to live off the Watchtower, our kids can run the business while we travel the roads and trouble shoot Kingdom Halls in disgrace standings.

  • Finkelstein

    Remember a CO is just one step closer to god than you'll ever be, so you better kiss his ass and if he's married kiss her ass as well for good measure.

    This will please god and he will remember your actions when Armageddon does finally come.

  • DaCheech

    we had this circuit overseer (Angelo Catanzaro), his sister Palma always said that if it was not for being a woman......... she would be!

    when she died, they gave her a pharoahs funeral in Jersey City Assembly Hall!

    "we don't have pope's, and clergy"............. what bullshit

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    It's a shame the local brothers con themselves into thinking some ass licking will actually acomplish something. The CO usually takes the advice and recomendations fro the local elders, so if u have a beef with the elders and talk to the CO, whatever u say goes right back to the elders.

    The CO counts the numbers, gives a few talks and hangs out with the elders.

    Every now and then u get one that actually tries to do his job, but for the most part they skate from town to town. Getting free meals and such. It's a nice little scam

  • Pickler

    144001 I am entranced, delighted, amazed, amused and are making me smile & I suspect for the rest of today I'm going to be breaking into spontaneous laughter as I imagine the scene....

  • ShirleyW

    DaCheech - We had Cantanzaro too, word is that he committed suicide. did you hear that?

  • DaCheech

    shirley, that word did not get to me!

    maybe brother payne killed him! lol

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    We had one years ago that was a real piece of work. G. Fields. He came in and had his own little 'Boy's club'. Only his ass kisser, good 'ol boys got parts on the conventions. When they left, our cong rented a hall and gave them a HUGE party. They even sang 'For he's a jolly good fellow'

    Thank goodness we did not go because we couldn't stand the jerk. A week later, hubby was pulled into the back room and asked why weren't we there. The butt kisser elder actually said, "imagine how I felt when I noticed that my brother was not there." Funny, they had never given a crap about us before.

    There was another I know of personally that admitted when they retired from the circuit work, the circuit BOUGHT them a nice house and because of the 'green' handshakes thru the years had a nice little nest egg of $130,000 to live on, plus their usual Social Security checks.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Our C.O was told by pioneer couple (7 years) they had to stand down to look after sick parents...he shrugged and said "You will be replaced..." what an asshole. If he haddened left i would have punched him in the mouth and said "youll be replaced.."

  • 144001

    <<<< I would love to hear what the CO and his wife were doing during lunch that made you finally say this to them. >>>>

    At that point in my life, I was fully engulfed in a rebellion that was very extreme. I was drinking, doing drugs, and dating "worldly" girls. I had zero interest in a JW future. In fact, I had zero interest in the future at all. Every day was just one big party.

    My Dad was a well-respected elder in our area. I was doing things that just aren't ok for an elder's son, and Dad mistakenly believed that a visit from the CO would turn me around. He invited the CO and his wife to visit our home for lunch on a Saturday. That day, I had plans to leave right after the lunch, with some friends to go to the beach. We were going to party at the beach on Saturday evening, and camp there overnight, returning the next day.

    During the lunch, the CO made several comments expressing his disapproval of my behavior, including my refusal to attend meetings or go out in service. He was lecturing me and at that time in my life, I had little respect for my parents, and zero respect for him. He eventually turned to my plans to camp with my "worldly" friends on Saturday night, and advised that "worldy" parties of the type I was heading to are known for the pervasiveness of immorality and drug and alcohol usage. I told him that this was exactly what I was seeking, "I sure hope that I'm going to get laid and stoned while I'm there!" This comment was the one that pushed his buttons, and he raised his voice to tell me that if my "immoral" conduct continued, I was going to be disfellowshipped (since I was never baptized, I'm not sure how he intended to carry out the threat). At that point, my patience for him and his wife was exhausted, and I stood up and yelled, "you and your wife, get the fuck out of our house." And that's exactly what they did, they immediately left. After they left, I paid the price with Dad, but I never regretted what I did.

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