Its not only the doctrines the GB fears will be exposed, but its history of false prophecies, protecting pedophiles from authorities, its support of Hitlers agenda, the UN scandal, the shady business dealings and marriage of Russell, the hostile takeover of the WT by Rutherford, the Olin Moyle (fomer WT attorney) lawsuit, prohibition of organ transplants (changed in 1980), the prohibition of blood fractions (changed in 2000), prohibition of alternative military service (changed in 1996) and not to mention the NWT alterations to support their doctrines. But keep in mind, if we dont follow them with all that mentioned, we will be labelled evil apostates lacking humility and lose family and friends.
Does The Governing Body Fear Worldwide Exposure Of Their Delusional Bible Interpetations?
by frankiespeakin 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
I would say they do in view of the the GB putting out their own video of how the WTS. has been preaching bible
truths since ( this was lamented over and over during the length of the video )
its inception as an organization, even going as far as mentioning C T Russell.
As well the apologetic mentioning of the organization's mistakes in a recent Watchtower, does show that the GB are aware
of the exposure of the history of the organization with some of the pertaining failed doctrines.
One can only assume that they will be even more paranoid when 2014 rolls in place. .... poor corrupt idiots
It would be something ironic if " The Truth" finally makes the Watchtower crumble to the ground after all these years.
Theocratic Sedition
I think to some degree they do fear worldwide exposure. It likely plays a huge role into why they don't promote their message via mass media. Harold Camping got his message out and made a complete fool of himself, but none the less he got his message out and had a worldwide audience. I mean he felt that strongly about the message that he went all out when he promoted his beliefs. Way back when the WT's motto was advertise, advertise, advertise, they used radio, used loudspeakers from passing automobiles, billboards, held rallies, took out full page newspaper ads promoting upcoming assemblies and conventions, caused trouble just for media attention, etc.. Now what do they do? Hand out cheaply produced magazines and invitations with spaces for a stick-em address. What's the end result?
Despite all of the hours spent preaching, nobody that knows twenty other people has any clue as to what JWs believe other than they don't celebrate holidays and show up univited on weekend mornings. Great job getting the message out McFly, oops I mean Watchtower. It's a joke. Busybody work, that's all. The last thing the the WT wants is people knowing what they really teach and what JWs really believe. Hence, there's public literature, but on the flipside there's study material for inhouse use only. Hence the deceptive answers on the website vs what those on this message board know all too well regarding blood transfusions, family breakup, false prophecies, etc.. Their MO nowadays is retention. It's a bonus if a sucker or two get swindled into the religion.
They certainly would not welcome exposure, but in reality it would make little difference to the average joe who feels they are awacky cult anyway.
What it might do is open the eyes of a few within, if they are ready.
Being a lying swindler via religion pays out big time in the States.
Look what this asshole been doing for a long time, nothing has stopped him and since
he pulls in $300,000 a year being a prodigious bullshitter, whats his impetus to stop and who's going to stop him ?
If you think money doesn't mean a thing to these people, then your probably a perfect idiot who would probably believe in what they are saying.
All they would have to do is go honest and upfront. Disclose that their religion had been lying about being pure Christian, that they are in fact half Jewish by faith, and expose the whole thing as a fraud. Then, just officially give up the fight against Satan, and become spiritual Satanists. From that point on, brute honesty is necessary because Satan cannot tolerate dishonesty and will not allow people to be manipulated by tyrants within the group. This means that all the "sins(??)" are replaced with the lone sin of stupidity--I doubt a cult of the magnitude of the jokehovian witlesses could survive long if stupidity was the lone sin.
At this point, it would be necessary to relax the disfellowshipping. Those with family in should be allowed to communicate with families--of course, if you have a father that is so mean-spirited or Pharisaic that association with such is miserable, children would be given the option to shun their fathers for abuse. Turning the other cheek is not the solution. However, if the "offense" is merely not believing the same thing you believe in, or something stupid like homosexuality, smoking, celebrating a birthday or holiday, or playing with a Ouija board, there is no reason to cut off all communication with loving relatives for this.
Someone made a great point about old literature, its a shame there isn't a very good and intuitive website with full versions of old JW literature. It is such foreign material, a different religion altogether.
The skeptical JWs will find sites like this, the enthusiastic JW will devour sites such as one full of old JW literature.
If i had the time, mechanisms and data i would build it.
When I was in bethel i was tasked with clearing out lots of old literature from the loft space..... some of those magazines really got me thinking.
Aussie Oz
I doubt it.
The governing body are nothing but a tool for a property and publishing corporation. They are the top 'sales team' thats all. They will do what they are told to do to keep money from the product coming in...
and that might not be get more mainstream either, i think it will be get tougher and more demanding of the core members...the rest can nick off.
As for what the public think, since when have they cared about the public? They tell the rank and file that if and when the public deride and punish them thats the proof of the truth.