In case any of you wondered why those two poor women who were attacked by the pit bull and probably ignored warning signs of a dag being in the yard and posted signs went to the door anyway.
Here it is from the latest April 2013 KM front page titled "Take as a Pattern the Prophets-Jonah"
Paragraph #3 "When Jonah realized that his bad decision had jeopardized the lives of the mariners, he was willing to sacrifice his life. (Jonah 1:3, 4, 12) Later, when fulfilling his commission in Nineveh, he walked deep into the heart of the city, perhaps looking for a suitable location to proclaim the judgment of Jehovah. Those where the actions, not of a coward, but of a courageous prophet of God! (Jonah 3:3, 4) What about us today? God-given courage is needed to give a bold witness in the face of opposition. (Acts 4:29, 31) Self-sacrifice is required to invest time and resources in the ministry.- Acts 20: 24."
And for those of you who wondered why someone would go to a door who was afraid of dogs, terrified of them like I was but yet I still went was because I was being told this stuff in the car group. I was told that I had no courage, I was a coward, I did not trust Jehovah, and you name it I was told it.
I feel so horrible and it just breaks my heart for those two poor women, even if they recover they will never be the same, it just affects you mentally being attacked. I was attacked when I was a child thus my fear of dogs now. And for what did those women give their lives because of some garbage like this. It just makes my heart hurt.