The fish was just an amusing detail, the real miracle was the wholesale repentance of Nineveh. It was like saying that a pastor walked through the streets of Kandahar and all the Taliban threw down their guns and put on WWJD bracelets. The point of the story is xenophobia. Jonah cared more about the demise of a tree than the destruction of a city.
Latest KM says we need to being willing to sacrifice our life like Jonah did!!!
by life is to short 37 Replies latest watchtower bible
When Jonah realized that his bad decision had jeopardized the lives of the mariners, he was willing to sacrifice his life.
Mommy Watchtower and her Devoted Loyal JW`s..
"They Love ME!"..
You can draw all sorts of wack-doodle "lessons" from fictional accounts if you are stupid enough to take them literally, or cunning enough to expect your followers to take them literally.
This is just example #12,898.
The Watchtower Corporation is always looking for loyal martyrs who will do what they say even if faced with death, to them Jonah is an example of obedience that they want from the r&f.
It all feeds into their works-based salvation theology, as opposed to the Bible's message of being saved by grace. (Eph 2:8,9)
wha happened?
I totally agree with that philosophy if I stand behind the GB when the mob shows up. I'd like to see the talk in action
life is to short
I agree I am not buying this anymore but I did when I was in, or I sort of bought into it. I guess I never totally bought into it because I thought going to homes with no trespassing signs and beware of dog sings was stupid. To me it was rude and stupid to call on someone who clearly did not want us there. But I had no chose when everyone in the car group vetoed my concerns. I was put down, made to feel stupid, told I lacked faith, etc. My husband at the time insisted that no trespassing signs did not apply to JW's.We went to one home where the guy pulled a gun on my husband and shot it into the air, told us to get off his land and the next time he would shoot us. I begged and pleaded with my husband to write him down as a do not call. NO WAY, this guy was not going to decide for everyone else who might live in the house and besides he was drunk. My husband reasoned that the next time him might not be so drunk and get so upset.
We lived in the country and everyone had dogs and no trespassing signs I was told if we stopped going to those home was we have no one to call on. I could not argue that because it was true there would be no one left to talk to.
I hated it, I hated service but I bought into that we had to do it because Jehovah demanded it of us. So much of it made no sense and was such a total waste of time.
What makes me so upset about this KM is that a part like this would have feed fuel to the fire and I would have been bulled so horribly, and I was, I was shown WT's and KM's and you name it to shame me about my fear of dogs. To read about these poor lady's is maddening.
This KM just made my blood boil and your right LHG Jonah did not give his life he hid out until nothing else worked he did not jump to kill himself and it is not a literally story anyway from how I feel now.
It just makes me mad see this KM after what happened to these women and Outlaw you are right on again I loved your post as it so very true. They would kill themselves for the GB.
These two, poor women who went through this ordeal, is just another example of how jehovah does NOT protect those doing the bidding of the WTB&TS , and you can bet your bottom dollar they wont pay for hospital bills , insurance ,or compensation .
They are not representing the WTB&TS , they are volunteers engaged in their personal ministry , we only provide the literature for them to do so.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Maybe Ninevah should have put up "No Trespassing" signs. Maybe that would have kept Jonah out, like it keeps JWs out.
WT is fearless about sending the sheeples to face guns or dogs. But if it's legal consequences, WT runs scared.
Back when I pioneeered the Wt. wanted us to go into private buildings like condos with security and get tossed out (somehow this was considered a brace and noble thing you could give experiences about)....did they ever back you up with legal counsel for trespassing, No!