Men talking utter rubbish and women nodding and going along.
Pretending that all the things you DON'T do that makes life enjoyable for others makes you better than them.
Explaining things you don't quite understand to others who don't much care and counting that as time well spent.
Waiting for somebody else to stop talking so that you can explain how wrong they are.
Sitting on a folding chair with eyes glazed and surreptitiously moving your sleeve cuff just enough to peek at how much l-o-n-g-e-r it will be.
Raising your hand to paraphrase the obvious with a sense of discovery.
Cutting a family member dead when you see them out in public with joy of knowing how much it hurts them and benefits you with Jehovah.
Being able to find fault with everybody and everything without hesitation not having the least idea of what those people or things are all about.
Telling a friend in confidence about a family problem and hearing it back from an Elder the next day.
Explaining to your children why the idea of God destroying everybody else's children soon is going to be wonderful.
Underlining scriptures with highliter pen so often your bible looks like a mustard stain inside.
Watch a dog owner standing by expectantly and proudly as a few turds are sqeezed out and rushing over to snatch them up and
you pretty much understand the joy of waiting on New Light.
Hearing about child molestation in the Catholic Church and being smug about how fortunate you are to be in a Kingdom Hall instead.
Suddenly realizing next year is going to be 2014 and that it has been ONE HUNDRED YEARS since Jesus returned invisibly to