Thanks Blondie!
I've expressed my regrets to my parents. I regret pioneering, bethel service, serving as a MS and elder. I regret putting my life on hold, waiting for that paradise so soon to come. This paragraph doesn't touch on the real issues:
16 You made those decisions on the
basis of your deep love for Jehovah and
an earnest desire to help others who
wanted to serve him. You need not
think that you would have been better
off had you lived your life differently.
You can have the deep satisfaction of
knowing that you did what you knew
to be right in your case. You can rejoice
in having done your very best to serve
Jehovah. He will not forget your life of
self-sacrifice. In the real life yet to come,
he will reward you with blessings far
better than any you can now imagine!
—Ps. 145:16; 1 Tim. 6:19.
That ignores the fact that I made those decisions based on the lie that I would never grow old and that the end was so very soon, before the end of the last century and before the end of the 80 years since 1914. That's a really glaring omission of facts. The paragraph condescendingly tells me what to think? It's all bullsh!t. JWs constantly go d2d telling people to question their beliefs, their decisions, their lives. So when I question my life, I find that I would be much better off if I would have made different decisions over the past decades. I can't ignore reality like they instruct me to. And I feel deep disappointment knowing that I did what WT told me was the "right" thing to do, based on their false prophecies. I can't rejoice to have wasted my very best time and efforts serving a corporation that treats people like garbage.
Clearly, "Jehovah" doesn't give a rat's ass about the people that slave for WT corporation. Shouldn't the fact that so many JWs are taking anti-depressants, committing suicide, and hiding the emptiness of their lives behind phoney smiles tell you something? This on-going promise of a reward in paradise has gotten pretty threadbare. And hiding their history of lies and false prophecies by telling the reader what to think or not think is pure deception.