Many new ones may not know me. Hopfully many of the older ones do. Since our move to wild's of PA many things have happen to my wife and I. Our Donut business went out the window. We closed it last July. The biggest reason was the company we had to buy our product from charged higher prices than what we could get it at the local grocery store. Before we lost everything we close it. Since then I have fallen back on my old trade of fixing old wood furniture. I also joined a artist coop and I am selling some of my wares there. Last Oct. I went to school to get my master gardener certificate. After 5 months of school I took the test and got a 90 on it. I am now active in our area with the master gardener organization. I will be heading the booth at our county fair this year also working at the farmers market in the MG booth. I am presently working on opening a produce stand at our house as will as putting up a demonstration commuinity garden. I will be active in starting that next year. Back in Sept. of last year my wife and I started going to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation locally. We fell in love with the people who go there and joined in Nov. My wife gave a talk there in Feb. on how to identify a cult. And last week I gave my first talk in over 2 years on saving the planet through composting. Both our talks have lead to much conversation in our new congregation. I have been invited to lecture at the Allegany Nature Pilgrimage on three topics on gardening this summer. Also been invited by our congregation to be a delegate to the UU convention at Niagra Falls this summer. What is amazing about all of this is they pay me and my wife to do these things. What a far cry from being a elder all those years working my butt off for nothing. Not that I am looking for payment for I would have done those things for free. But these people have showed us more love, respect and genuine concern than anyone did in all the years I was a JW. My wife is back at working in the health field and is about to start a new job working at a well respected nursing home with advancement. Yes we are picking up the pieces but we still moving forward. New developments have happen in the last 2 weeks. Our oldest Son's wife has found out we are no longer JW. We at this time know whats going to happen but we are sure everyone we knew will soon know. We will let you know what happens. We are both in good health just had our 39th wedding anniversary. And our old cat is still kicking. She will be 24 this May and is still the first one to the feed bowl in the morning. I hope this letter finds everyone well. Take care. Totally ADD
Hello from Totally ADD. I am back.
by TotallyADD 29 Replies latest jw friends
LoisLane looking for Superman
Hello Totally ADD and your wife. It is always nice to hear another happy and successful story!
Just Lois
PS...Can you post a picture of your cat?
welcome back!
Yahoo!!!! So the resurrection has started? Good to have you back....
Good to hear from you talesin and mouthy. Yes there is a resurrection. Just not the one we thought. Loislane I will try to get my wife to post a picture of our old cat. By the way my wife is Reopened Mind. Totally ADD
Wow, I had a cat that made it to 18, 24 is fantastic. I have ADD too, something I only figured out recently, my many struggles make sense to me now. I know about the Master Gardening program, it takes a lot of work congrats on getting through that.
Hi there Totally & family ...great to hear that you
are doing very well regardless of the "donut caper".
Welcome home!
If the shit is going to hit the fan ...maybe you should
post a family pic on flippers site an all! LOL
So people are oing to find out you ar not good little JWs anymore. You will be ok. Your life is good and will continue to be so. Maybe you daughter in law is a closet apostate! We can only hope.
Glad everything is working out!
Glad to "see" you have returned!
Gardens are healthier than donuts anyway...
Best regards to you and yours,