Hello from Totally ADD. I am back.

by TotallyADD 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    Good to have you back, Totally ! (that comma makes it a good double meaning !)

    I sympathise with your troubles at earning a living, at my advanced age I am going through a similar time, but we keep smiling !

    What a pity it is not possible for you to combine your two skills, and then you could cultivate Doughnut Trees !

    All the best to you and yours, keep us posted.

  • TotallyADD

    LisaRose-I have found ADD makes me more creative. I guess that is because my mind is going 1000 directions at a time. LOL That MG test was very

    hard. I am glad to be past that.

    Clarity-On the family picture (Maybe). We will try to get a picture of our old cat. She actually looks real good for her age. Thanks for your welcome.

    Whathappened-I know we wil be OK. We have a great support group now.

    Galaamsass-Thak you for your concern.

    AnneB-When I was a JW nobody around me cared about gardening. Even though according to them thats what we could all be doing in the so called

    new system. It really is a passion of mind. Take care.

    Pizzy-Donut Tree! I think if I came up with that one my wife would shoot me. I feel for you also. I am going to be 59 in june I am working in a federal

    program for $7.25. Doing things I use to get $20 a hr. Oh Well. It is some money and I feel it is getting my name out ther. Thanks for the

    welcome back.

  • carla

    Glad you were able to pick up the pieces after the donut shop! Sounds like you are doing well and are happy. I hope your family does not shun you, will be in my thoughts. Wishing you all the best, carla

  • MrFreeze

    Nice to see you again TotallyADD. Sorry about the donut business. I know you and your wife were pretty excited about it.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Glad to hear the upbeat report (other than the demise of the donut biz). Obviously (using it not in the WT way), you are a "survivor"! You've survived learning TTATT; survived the loss of what was your new business enterprise and goal; and it sounds like you are already in survivor mode for the potential shit hitting the fan in your former WT World. With that kind of track record, you'll survive and prosper in your current endeavors!

    39 years of marriage! Sounds like your wife is a survivor too.

    Good luck!


  • wasblind


  • jamiebowers

    Glad to hear from you again! Too bad about the doughnut shop, but it sounds like you and your wife have gone on to more enjoyable occupations.

  • cantleave

    Welcome back totally.

  • TotallyADD

    Carla-Thank you for your kind thoughts. If we are shun it is their lost. The shame is the grand kids will be emotional torn apart.

    MrFreeze-Good to here from you. Don't worry better things are happening for us. Hey would you be interested in a get together this summer?

    Let me know.

    DesirousOfChange-Yes my wife has been to hell and back with me and we both survived each other. LOL

    Wasblind-Thanks for the smiley face.

    jamiebowers-Hello. Good to hear from you all. Same invitation goes out to you and your brother for a get together this summer. Please let me

    know. Take care.

    Cantleave-Thanks for the welcome. It truly is good to be back. Totally ADD

  • Roberta804


    Thank you so much for sharing your success. And I am so happy that you and your wife left the printing company and stayed together. I would like to see more stories like yours.

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