As it's conflated with witnessing, meetings and so forth...what's the most extreme sacrifice you made for those things? For me it was my mental health and maybe a career in something cooler than being an office fungus.
by Julia Orwell 15 Replies latest jw experiences
As it's conflated with witnessing, meetings and so forth...what's the most extreme sacrifice you made for those things? For me it was my mental health and maybe a career in something cooler than being an office fungus.
When I graduated from high school I took an asvab test and scored very high on the electronics, the navy wanted me, I would have been alot further ahead, at 35 years old I am stuck working a janitorial type job, also have a disablity that I found out I have a few years ago that causes short term memory loss which affects me at the job sometimes and if I loose my job I don't really have anything to fall back on right now
Not dating a non-witness.
I should have done it and kept the relationship a secret from the witnesses. It may not have gone anywhere but I would have had some fun finding out. Instead I gave him a tract explaining why.
I agree with Amelia Ashton, but otherwise I haven't done anything to apply it because I don't believe that one can seek a kingdom that does not exist. In contrast to people who, before an election, go out and campaign, they know when the start date is of the government. But how does one campaign for something vague.
Good point. But when u believed in the kingdom?
Personally I am delighted about what I have sacrificed for the real Kingdom since awakening through the full or "unabridged gospel" message.
In some way I feel I have to some extent redeemed my ignorant support of the demon infested Watchtower's manmade kingdom of human mediators between the R&F and the devil.
(Why does the "true religion" secretly blind its followers to the "Good News" according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)
Lol I might just join your group, Fernando!
At 18: Falling in Love with a stunning, beautiful - NON WITNESS - girl and telling her that our relationship is impossible, because...
At 20: Winning a full paid scholarship by a big European corporation. They found my application and I was invited for interviews - me and 300 other students - only 3 got the invitation > Paid studies, traveling abroad to do internships in several of their offices all over the world, renting fully paid, and a job guarantee after the studies where over. Instead: I started pioneering... YES, I KNOW I'M AN IDIOT!
At 21: marrying, way to young, a Regular Pioneer. That's it. Regular Pioneer = Ideal wife.
At 25: Started selling stuff to support my Pioneering, made one fantastic-mega Sale and banked an instant commission of around 15.000 US$ - I was broke, and barely meeting ends needs - than the CO sweet talked me to contribute for the new KH: I donated the WHOLE FRICKING SUM (again: I'm an IDIOT)....
At 26: Going to Bet-HELL and spending the next 10 years, well, forget about what I was going to write.
All for the Kingdom Baby, the Kingdom of Heaven!
" I once fought two days with an arrow through my testicle." Godfrey of Ibelin (from the movie "Kingdom of Heaven")
Bloody hell. They really hook people on that "seeking the kingdom" line don't they. And what did you get in return?
After receiving my degree, having to go to court in connection with the neutrality issue, and being sentenced to a lengthy period in military detention. After all that, I find out the WT joined the UN as NGO for nine years, with them still involved with the OSCE. Then reading up on the Malawi/Mexico scandal, what a come-down! And if I may quote BluePill2: I'm and IDIOT...