Memorial trauma-morial!

by Julia Orwell 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Julia, it has been interesting to hear your recent fade over the last few months... You are doing so well and I remember the feelings of awakening, taking breaths in the fresh air of reality for the first time.

    i also remember the first time i realised that ....WAIT A MINUTE ...we are passing around the symbolic blood and bones of a god, to drink under a full moon ...... Is this POSSIBLY pagan ?

    I won't tell you the answer, I believe it will belittle it for people to not look themselves, I humbly suggest you get the history books out and take a peek x

  • digdeeper

    Please don't beat yourself up they are just trying to sell Time Shares (Studies).

    1 Cor 11:26 For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are announcing the Lord's death until he comes again.

    He returned and gathered his bride in 70 C.E. with the destruction of adulterous Jerusalem. So while it is a nice reminder of what he longer necessary.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    You guys are great! I feel better now. How's this, a couple of sisters came up to me and said, 'how are you? You've been sick haven't you?' Because I've missed a lot of meetings. I told them I was great and never felt better, health great, enjoying work, etc. Stumped them a bit but it passed because I asked after their health etc.

    The first one who approached me asked if I was off my meds cuz she saw me bolt out to the side room in tears. The truth was, I took an extra half dose that day to deal with the anxiety.

    And we got the dang co visit next week. Hubby will be re brainwashed.

  • WTWizard

    The washtowel is determined to reject salvation. Bad enough that they reject Jesus, after building up that they are the only true Christians. Reason: The religion is actually half Jewish, and I always thought this wastefest was completely out of place in a Christian religion. In fact, after the first time, every time I went to the REJECT Astaroth Party, I came out feeling like I had just participated in a Jewish festival instead of a Christian one.

    And, as if that wasn't enough, they are also bent on rejecting salvation from Satan. You see, right in the LIE-ble, joke-hova was trying to enslave mankind (right in the beginning), and Satan put a stop to it. Jesus was nothing more than a means to bring us back into slavery with joke-hova. So, Satan was actually our Savior. And the washtowel is just as bent on rejecting salvation from Satan as they are from Jesus.

    Recommendation: Do research on both sides of the picture. Check the Christian sites--and compare what they have to offer (you might also compare it with communism to really open your eyes). Then check the Satanist web sites. Once you have thoroughly checked both, you are in a position to pick something and stick with that. And your decision will be based on honest fact comparisons, not some scumbags trying to make you half Jewish by practice in the name of Christ. And no more rejecting salvation.

  • smiddy

    I dont mean to be facetious or disrespectfull to Julia or anybody else who feels the way you do ,and I would suggest you go to a Catholic or Anglican service on good friday or even both as at least they include everybody who attends and dont cause divisions among the flock.


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I'd love to go to another church service!! But I'd be outed for that for sure, and I'm not ready for that just yet.

    Interesting WTW mentions comparing to communism...communism and totalitarianism have been pet reading projects of mine these last few years, and I see the WT uses the same tactics. Sure, they don't send you to a forced labour camp for dissidence, but they find other ways of getting rid of you.

  • smiddy


    You do not have to advertise your going to another service , you can always go out of town, somewhere people dont know you , its not that hard to do. I live in a small town community where everybody knows everybody else almost , yet I could drive / get a bus to another community 30 minutes away or less where nobody knows me .You could too.


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Hey Smiddy, I'm working on going to another church...doing some research, getting some phone numbers...but I certainly don't want to jump from one nut group to another! I might just heal for a bit first.

    And try to reason with the hubby...or just let him do his thing. He's not harming anyone or even himself at this point.

  • Giordano

    Hi Julia, If your going to visit another church why not try one that has a female pastor? Over the years I've met some outstanding pastor's.....and many that were women. Google that subject and you'll find that there are any number of church's who offer leadership roles to women. My route was to turn into a non believer and that has worked out very well for me, my wife and children over the last four decades......but I can appreciate the need that many express to stay connected to the Christian tradition. Your thinking out of the JW box right now so think about that. Following your story with great interest. GIO

  • cog_survivor

    Hi Julia,

    What you are going through is so tough but also normal. I was lucky that when I left my cult it was already in a decline and everyone was jumping into any available lifeboat.

    I ended up in an episcopal church after visiting several different ones.. I picked them because of their liberal reputation and I felt like it was a safe place to heal. For me, it turned out to be the place I stayed.

    I'm not recommending this as the path for everyone because I know we all relate to Jesus in different ways. However, because they offer communion/eucharist on days other than Sunday and any person baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is accepted (some are willing to stretch that point as well) you might find a communion that will accomodate your needs. Some United Methodist churches may also provide this too.

    I would recommend setting a meeting with a priest/pastor and explain your situation. Don't be discouraged if he/she doesn't understand your situation real well. Most of them don't get why people just don't up and leave. See if there is a communion you can attend. Be prepared to experience "triggers". I attended sporadically for a year before I got over the worst of them.

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