I'm not a 'big scholar' Biblicly or greek etc. But I am a believer.
I cannot say one way or theother whether or not the bible
1. Condemns homosexuality
2. Condemns homosexual relations.
as I have not done enough indepth research to put forward a valid argument. I never voice big opinions on anything unless I have done the research. i prefer to say, I don't know. Just like we don't know the truth about a lot of things as they have been misconstrued and hidden from us, BY MAN.
However, my understanding so far, is this.
Both the OT and the NT, do comment on same sex relations as being immoral ? sinful ? against God's natural laws? Am I correct on this ?
However. The Bible in full also tells us about sin, imperfection, evil etc ... and why these things are so. Satan corrupted God's perfect creation. God tells us this, and he tells us the whys, what fors, adn the end result. The finish of things.
We as humans are collateral damage in this eccliastical battle ( i know i spelt that wrong, lol ) We are not God, therefore we have no idea what he is thinking. We can only try the best that we can to live a life in line with goodness, if we so wish.
Ultimately it is our choice as individuals to walk our own path in life. We have no right to force our beliefs/opinions/likes/dislikes etc on another human being. We have no right to cause suffering to another human being, this directly goes against what Jesus taught. If true christians modeled themselves on the basis of jesus's teachings, not mans opinions, we would all be a lot happier, and there would be less evil in this world. But, it is what it is, and we are where we are.
Life is a journey, it is to be lived. All anyone ever wants is love and happiness and an easy passage. Who is anyone to deny this to another.
Gay is not a fashion statement. It is a condition. simple as. Right or wrong doesn't factor into it. It is a persons life we are talking about.
If there is no God, none of it matters. simple.
if there is a God and the Bible has truth. Well it is between that person and God to settle the matter between them. How do we not know that God's attitude to a gay might be not be like this '' it's ok, don't be conflicted, don't torture yourself unecessarily, I KNOW, don't despair. I have the answers, I know how I am going to fix everything and put things back to their origianl purpose. When the time is right I will give you the answers. Have faith. I love you, I will help you. One day everyone will have the answers.
one way or another we re either going to die, problem solved - or we will enter into the big A. No sense worrying about it too much really is there.
regards lost