Proof of Heaven book - anyone read it?

by jay dubless 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • ruderedhead

    O.K., Jay, I'm going to try and read those chapters again tonight.

    The reason I bought the book was because of his background. It intrigued me that a neurosurgeon who had previously dismissed the NDE issue, was now convinced it is real, and has had his faith in God strengthened. There are others who have had similar experiences, so even when other scientists are dismissing his story, I realize that Alexander did the same before he experienced this himself. Science simply cannot explain everything.

  • Ucantnome

    yes i read it and enjoyed it.

  • poppers

    I have listened to the audio version of it on youtube. I enjoyed it very much.

  • jay dubless
    jay dubless

    I was only trying to initiate discussion about the points Dr Eben brought up in his book. Not debate whether NDEs are real or imagined. I never claimed his book is absolute truth. Only that I personally find the Dr and his story credible. So when someone quotes this scientist or that expert, who is in complete disagreement, this can be done to argue almost any viewpoint. If I asked if anyone has read the book "UFO Exopolitics and New World Disorder", by ED V Komareck, is it really necessary to jump in and start to bashing because there are other experts who have a different viewpoint? And as far as absolute truth about an afterlife or not, no one here on this forum, or anywhere else on earth, can have an accurate answer about that for certain, until your personal hourglass runs out of sand. So, if you have read the book, and wish to discuss specifics, that would be great. If you haven't read it, and don't care to, nobody is twisting your arm.

  • cofty
    when someone quotes this scientist or that expert, who is in complete disagreement, this can be done to argue almost any viewpoint

    But its not about opinions or appeals to authority. I cited you references to verifiable facts that contradict Alexander's basic premise.

    He is a "hardware" expert who cuts brains to remove tumours etc. He is making assertions about "software" and is completely wrong for the reasons Mark Cohen and others have explained.

  • cofty

    double post

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    "The plain consequence is (and it is a general maxim worthy of our attention), 'That no testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle, unless the testimony be of such a kind, that its falsehood would be more miraculous than the fact which it endeavors to establish.'"

    David Hume (1711-1776)

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