by Julia Orwell 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    That's how I feel when I see these crazy new WT study articles and the inane reasoning contained therein, and the indoctrination machines of meetings run by all those little hardened human cogs and the unending stream of propaganda we're pitched up against. .

    You could spend all your time working through those WT articles ( See Cedar's post on the latest 'new light') and refuting the stupidity, and yet most Witnesses aren't even concerned with changes to the FDS or 144 000 because like all of humanity they're too busy trying to scratch a living as it is. Such airy doctrine changes don't have any effect on their day to day lives and is thus irrelevant. Others just don't think deeply enough to understand the magnitude of what is being asked of them, so it passes through them like an undigested seed.

    The lone voices crying out in the wilderness about these latest articles are beacons of light (forgive my mixed metaphors) and I love the work they do because it has really helped me, but when I look at the monstrous pyramidal structure arrayed against people like us, I quail in terror at the possibility that I might stand up against it and try to free my beloved from it. I feel over a 100 years of WT oppression and increase in propaganda volume, and feel helpless against it.

    I want out! I want to never go to one of those stupid meetings again! Sure, I like the association at the hall when the torture is over, but the more I scratch at the hideous WT scab the more pus and decay I find! I've done a huge mental clean out these last few months, and have shed over a decade of guilt, judgement and fear. My experience at the memorial where I ran out in tears has put me off ever going back to the Kingdom Hall!

    But they will not let me go quietly into the night. Elders will spring out of the woodwork. I'll be watched for signs of unorthodoxy, while the finger will hover over the 'disfellowship' button. I'm already losing friends. My Facebook page is under scrutiny by those very same ones who ran off to the elders when I posted some questions for discussion about the JW faith.

    I hear Jesus, but they don't want me going near him. I hear YHWH, but he's monopolised by some men in NYC. I hear my God and my Lord Jesus in the Bible, the human spirit and the beautiful things around me, and I want to follow their voice, the voice that tells me to be the best human being I can be, and to love and help others with my own unique talents. Not wasting my time in dead works that leave me empty, but in exploring the things that make us human!

    End of rant. Thanks for reading.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    By this I certainly mean no disrespect for those who study the articles and publish their results - I love you guys and want to be like you, but my mind is so addled right now after years of guilt and depression. I admire that you can systematise the information clearly because I can't as I'm still recovering.

    Thanks to Cedars and Blondie and everyone else who dives into that muck to help others!

  • TheSophist

    I know that sometimes I get burnt out just studying TTATT, ways to try and free my wife and I have to tell myself to take a break from it all and dive into something "normal".

  • flipper

    JULIA- Yeah, I'd say you have a pretty accurate take on how it all goes down and what's real and what's a scam. Hang in there . Hopefully your husband will start having doubts himself and you both can exit together. Even though it may appear intimidating indeed, remember the WT Society thugs at the top of this organization are only human . True, they exert a lot of power over our former friends and our family - but once OUR minds are free they will have no hold on you. WT leaders and elders will only have as much power or control over us as we LET them have. There is nothing that says we HAVE to meet with them for anything. Your mind is your own. Your soul is your own. Your spirit is your own. And your life is your own. We are NOT slaves, you don't owe them anything. If anything the WT Society owes millions of duped believers and former believers a huge apology for this 134 year scam since 1879.

    Just be glad you have a good heart and are honest. Be glad you aren't them . ( By " them " I mean WT leaders ). I wonder how they sleep at night ? Probably pretty good because they are sociopaths with no conscience. You have a conscience and used it to free yourself. Pat yourself on the back . You're doing well. Give it time, it gets better. I've been out almost 10 years now and I've never been happier. We will be here for you friend. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • gingerbread

    Allow yourself to take a break!

    Quit answering questions, answering the door, answering the phone. Quit posting on Facebook. Stay away from the hall for a month. Read something positive. And take care of yourself - eat right, get plenty of rest, exercise a bit every day. This is an emotionally difficult process. In order to be successful you must proceed with care - one step at a time.

    If you continue to freak out, you are giving your power over to the belief system - particularly the local elders. You don't have the power to change the world. You only have the power to change YOU...

  • whathappened

    This so called "new light" is going to really help those with family that is still "in." the opportunity to ask questions about this convoluted new premise is almost endless, as we have seen from Cedar's post from two days ago on the November Watchtower study edition.

    Please try to be positive. Lately there have been some success stories relayed here about awakening loved ones.

  • gma-tired2

    I was told by a JW this week if was at all meeting all of the new lights would fall in place and completely make sense. Sounds like cult brainwashing to me.

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Julia, you have a beatiful way of expressing yourself, very poetic, very vibrant, very picturesque... even through your pain and anguish you convey humor, wisdom, strength... with frustration, angst, yes, but you are GETTING THROUGH THIS. I *love* the advice Gingerbread said, and wholeheartedly agree!

    Take your time, breathe, read, relax, research, breath & relax some more.... this is a PROCESS, a whole new journey with whole new thoughts ready to be opened up... you will feel reborn... It's almost like the guy in 2001: A Space Odyssey... he became newly born at the end of the story but then had no idea what to do with himself! But, "he would think of something." That's the way the book ends. Yet it is really a beginning.

    Anyway, you are not alone with this! There are days where I wonder just who the heck I am now and what am I going to do now, and then I realize.... it's a JOURNEY! I'm on a road trip with an open road, wind in my hair, as many detours as I want (or need), or as many straight roads as I wish... (meaning, just keep plugging on, day after day and take things slow!) and every now and again I pull over and stop, take a look around, and realize I've come a long way. :)

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    (Ha. Just realized there's one thing the ministry school was good for -- teaching us how to use illustrations!)

    I am now trying to reach a point of not just seeing the ick and blah and bad and power games and control and judgment and duplicity from the Organization/WTBTS, but also how being a JW developed positive qualities in me, as well. There are positive things to take away from it, too. :)

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I certainly don't deny that...and perhaps that's just adding to my frustration! My husband credits one of the elders in the cong for helping him kick his drug addiction, so his loyalty is tied up there...even though I'd always thought he'd got off the drugs before seeing an elder...

    Like so many of us, the HUGE frustration is with our significant others being 'in'.

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