This is an unfounded delusion or lie either one take your pick. Blondie quoted this on another post and I'm pasting it here.:
*** w01 4/15 p. 29 Do You Remember? ***
How does the Governing Body differ from a legal corporation?
While directors of a legal corporation are voted into office by its members, the Governing Body is not appointed by any man but is appointed by Jesus Christ. There is no need for the directors of various corporations used by Jehovah’s Witnesses to be members of the Governing Body. At the recent annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, members of the Governing Body who were serving as its directors and officers voluntarily stepped aside from their positions. The vacancies were filled by mature brothers of the “other sheep.” (John 10:16) Thus the Governing Body can spend more time in preparing spiritual food and in otherwise caring for the spiritual needs of the worldwide brotherhood.—1/15, pages 29, 31.